Six Years and an ounce of wisdom

Today marks my 6 years of sobriety and, interestingly enough, 1 full year with no nicotine.

In these 6 years I’ve learned there is no magic bullet, or secret potion, in sobriety or in life. The best things in life are always earned. That’s not to say that the price of freedom is suffering because if done correctly sobriety can be obtained without all the pain. However, it does not come without hard work.

I know when I first got sober the task seemed daunting and exhausting. Meetings every day, IOP, sober living, step work, etc. Honestly it was overwhelming to think that was my new life. But I buckled down and followed the suggestion. Not because it was fun, or because I wanted to, but because I was told that if I did then I would have a life beyond my wildest dreams. They didn’t say when it would come, they didn’t promise cash and prizes, but they did promise it would get better, so long as I was willing.

So willing I was. I was told not to hang out in proverbial barbershops, so I didn’t. I was told to do 90 in 90 so I did. Sponsor? :white_check_mark:. Step work?:white_check_mark:. Pretty much every suggestion I received, I followed, and 6 years later they are still working.

I don’t claim to sit here and have all the answers. I’m not the pre-eminent authority on getting sober. But I am a guy who walked the path of destruction and then found my way out through the rooms of AA. I may come across as harsh, or uncaring, but in reality, through my own experience, I do know what I’m talking about, and these things do work. Same with every other person on this site who is putting together years upon years of sobriety. So when you see us all saying stay out of bars, don’t go to parties, go to therapy, etc, it’s because we know they will work for you, because it worked for us.

I went from suicidal, homeless heroin addict to living a life most normies would not even believe. Not bad for a guy who once thought jumping off a bridge was his best option.


Congratulations on 6 years and thank you for your wise words.


Congratulations ! Thank you for sharing. An inspiration for us newbies :slight_smile: X


Congrats on your 6 years of sobriety and 1 year of no cigarettes Derek :muscle::muscle:

Appreciate you sharing your journey with us. Remarkable to see your transformation.

So very grateful you found a better healthier option :heart:


Congratulations on your 6 years and your 1 year!! What a journey you have been on!

I am really happy for you and your family and wish you a beautiful day of love and sobriety!

I have learned a lot from you over the past 6 years and while the road has had plenty of bumps, it feels like a lot of growth to me and I am grateful for the lessons.

I am truly so happy for you. We all deserve the gifts of sobriety. Keep on keepin on my friend!! :heart::people_hugging::heart:


Congrats on your 6 and 1 years. It’s a big deal and I’m glad you’re here.


Well done my friend! I can only echo your point that freedom from self is possible, when we stop listening to self and follow the suggestions that others have lived & done before us.

Have a super soberversay Derek and thank you for being part of my recovery. Hugs & a coin for the man!


Well done and congratulations, Derek! To me, you’ve always been a staple of this community and an inspiration on how it is indeed possible to achieve long-term sobriety. :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Thank you for these pearls of wisdom Derek. I have read your comments since I joined and have always appreciated your clear and direct input on how to get and stay sober. It works! Congratulations on your 6 years !!


Well done, Derek. Keep coming back!


Truly inspiring to read. Thank you for your honesty and your presence here. You make a huge difference to so many people!! :heart::two_hearts::tada:


Thank you for sharing :pray:


A massive congratulations to you on 6 years my friend (and 1 without nicotine)! I’ve learned a great deal from you over the past 5 years and I’m grateful to know you. Enjoy your day :slightly_smiling_face:


Huge congrats on both your milestones Derek. While our specific methods and roads might differ a little bit, all in all I we walk the same road and I am glad to follow in your footsteps. I learned a lot from you. Not the least of which was helping to define my own boundaries, and how to stand up for myself in a healthy way. Thanks! On we go.


Thats my boy Derek thats how its done no celeb books or pods just hardcore AA proud of you buddy


Congratulations :partying_face:


Six full trips! :sunny: :muscle:

Huge congrats! I appreciate you being here!

Congrats on the nicotine! I kicked the wheezers to the curb over a year ago. it was the hardest for me!


Congrats my dude! But… how you gonna top this post next year? :thinking:


Derek I’ve always admired your forthright advice and observations. While we’ve all been to hell and back here, I remember reading your story 5 years ago I still believe to this day that you’re one of the lucky/most hardworking ones who made it back from hell when the gates in and out were locked from the outside.

Congratulations on your 6 years and I hope I never catch you up :slight_smile:


Congratulations on your six years. This is well deserved!!
Thank you for being around here and openly & honestly sharing your experience .
This has always been an inspiration helping me to almost 5 years now