SMART Recovery?

So I have seen people mention this program and someone recommended I look into it. I went to the website and found it somewhat helpful. Can anyone give me more information or share some experiences? I would greatly appreciate it!

If you go to the website you can get lots of free access to worksheets etc. It is a great tool.

You can even sign up for online meetings if you can’t find in person meetings near you.

I don’t have any type of camera with my computers. Don’t know if that would keep me from online meetings but I imagine it would. I will definitely check the website from my computer to take a look at the resources available. Unfortunately the nearest physical meeting is pretty far away.

I think it’s awesome that you are able to do smart recover instead of the steps in AA. I’ve done a ton of work in therapy over the years that wasn’t the structure of the steps but I’ve covered most of the ideas extensively. It’s the steps and the religious aspects that keep me away from the rooms. I’m not against either, they just don’t jive with me.

I appreciate the responses and hope for some more! Thanks!

Cool! Thanks!

I will check out that book. In your opinion, would it be useful in audiobook format, or would I need a physical copy to use it to its fullest. Also, does it consist of “higher power” activities, or is it friendly to all belief systems?

I was given the book in rehab and man…it saved my life personally.its only like $10 and well worth every bit of it. There are meetings around certain areas of the nation too.look into it.theres also chat rooms and stuff on that website similar to this one.


There is a kindle version. Would that work as well as the physical copy? I am in no way opposed to writing everything in a journal or printing stuff out on the website. It costs less and would arrive quicker (clearly). But if anyone thinks the physical copy would be better then I will go that route.

Haha, I might do both. I LOVE physical books in my hand, but I kind of want to get looking at it and starting now. Instant gratification anyone?

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Brad, have a look at this.

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