Snapshots of my journey and my mind

These are screen shots of some of my journey (hopefully) in chronological order. I’ve been sober for 1,375 days and it’s been quite the journey. I would also like to say that I’m at a point where I love not only this version of myself, but every version I’ve ever been… I needed to be all of them to be who I am now.:slightly_smiling_face:

:point_up:I fell shortly after this, and I relapsed hard for the last time.


Wow! Thanks for sharing Dan, very inspirational!! The way your mood lifts with every milestone reached is so inspiring to see! :clap:t2::heart_eyes:


Thanks… now I think it’s actually in the correct order :thinking:.


Wow, just wow :ok_hand:


Thank you for sharing your journey with us Dan.
Wow- so beautiful to see you grow with each milestone. Grateful that you chose the path of an addiction free life and are now living the best healthy life possible.
Thank you!


I was reading along and saying to myself “I remember that post and that one too.” I actually remember all of them and what a journey it’s been. So happy to be on this ride with you, my friend. Thank you for sharing these fond memories. Looking forward to the next phase of our recovery journey.


This is so amazing, thanks so much for sharing. I don’t think I have ever seen someone’s ‘journey’ laid out like that, really inspiring.

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So very happy for you and the hard fought sobriety you are enjoying. Like Lisa, I remember these posts and your journey (which reminds me a lot of my own). I really appreciate you sharing it like this…it will help others. I know it is hard to believe in 1,000 days when you cannot string 10 together…but day by day it works.

And personally, I am enjoying getting to know you better and sharing this journey.

Congrats on your 1,375 days of sobriety!!!


@Lisa07 @SassyRocks It has been a wild ride from attempting, and horribly failing moderation in 2018 to being a sober moderator in 2023 :grin::wink:.


Congrats on your AMAZING journey!
I am just starting to look back at my accomplishments and WOW!! Time flies and small steps quickly add up!
Your post is super inspiring, thank you for sharing with us!

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This was a great snap shot of how far you’ve come. I may not post a lot but I’ve enjoyed seeing the changes in you and feel super lazy when I saw how far you travel for work :flushed:
Thanks for sharing :smiling_face:


You have come a long way! Thank you for sharing.


What a journey.
Really puts progress and recovery in perspective displaying it like you have.
Top job, bloke.


Beauty! Well done. A great chronicle of change. You’ve been very motivational and inspirational. Keep being awesome!

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Dan, your service to this community is so valuable. Thank you, time and time again, for showing us how it’s done.


Beautiful journey, what a pleasure to recapture! Well done and thanks for taking us back in time!

That is some achievement! And thank you for the inspiration! Congratulations!!!

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Thanks for sharing so inspirational just gone 30 days after a relapse at 90 days beginning of year so am focused and so want this life like you :blush:


That was awesome. Thanks for sharing

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