Today marked 4 years of sobriety. The milestones don’t mean that much anymore but living a sober life is much more manageable than living a life fucked up all the time. Keep going all, I’ll probably write some more here a little later on tonight.
Continuation… At 4 years sober my life is far from perfect. I’ve had plenty of “life” things happen. People and pets pass away, expensive repairs, serious crisis with children and my wife. Alcohol would’ve never made any of these things “better or easier” to deal with… It would’ve done the exact opposite.
I’ve been through some really good spots too, no need to celebrate with a drink. I have absolutely zero desire to drink or alter my mind. Does that mean I’m cured???Ummm… well, no, BUT the good news is that this disease has ZERO power over me as long as I do not drink. Seems like it’s not such a bad disease to have if I have to pick one.
I will never forget the early days and the fight it took to make my path here… for any interested I’ll link a snapshot of my journey below.
Man there’s a lot of people here who are just starting out and need to see that obtaining years of continuous sobriety is achievable. May feel like another day to you, but someone is gonna read this and be like “hot damn, it is possible”
Congratulations, mate.
Milestones may feel like less than they used to, but that’s just success blunting the experience.
Imagine starting all over from day zero tomorrow… How far away would 4 years look?
You’ve done a great thing!
Congratulations again!
The most hope I ever felt in an AA meeting was around 4 months sober, when a pair of friends got up and took 2 year medallions. I thought to myself “I could do that. They did that and I could do that, too”.
Awesome Sauce! Congratulations on 4 years Dan!
So glad to be on this journey with you. It makes my heart happy to see a friend kicking some sobriety ass. Celebrating you from afar.
Thanks to all who took time to cheer on a fellow addict. I could’ve never made it without you all, and that is a fact. You all helped pick my ass up when I was down and helped me find my path… I’m forever grateful to you.
What do you mean the milestones dont mean much anymore??? Every day we get clean is fucking GOLD!!! I see people going off the rails 10,15,20,30 years clean, many times a month. Celebrate your clean time, its not a given you will make it another year.
Proud of you Dan, you battled a heavy hitting year in 2023 and you made it through clean. Thanks for being open and honest about where you were at, you showed me I dont need to pick up to deal with shit like that. Thank you, Love you.
Oh Dan! Awesome post awesome man awesome achievement. You’re absolutely doing the thing. W the help of this forum and the red tractor. I love how open you have dealt w crises on here, showing me how to seek for help and advice rather than further increasing the internal pressure. Your gym selfies are always my highlights. much love. I look forward to your five year post.
thanks for the report and outlook,for me as an 9 day beginner absolutely hopeful words and the possibility to manage our issues without alcohol thank you again
I’d say you have made at least Captain by now Dan. Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us all, as well as sharing part of mine. Love to walk with you. Huge congrats on 4 years!!!