Sober Hunting (TW: contains photos of animals and guns...)

Pressure cooking is a great way to make it tender as well. Or a low slow like crockpot or stew on the wood stove

Yes definitely been shortages for hubby too I think. And he just sold some expensive reload machine (I’ll have to ask him what it was lol) because of the anticipation in AR/firearm changes in Canada. I think (but am not positive) he’ll be losing some of his firearms due to new laws.
This photo was the first time target shooting with, when we dated, taken about 11 years ago, so I was brand new to it. I think it’s called a 22-250. He calls it my gun. Also he buys ones with certain wooden stalks and calls them mine as he thinks he can get away with buying more that way :joy:
Thanks for kind words about my dad but he passed away one year ago tomorrow actually. I always called him my favourite soldier! Lol


I bought it for IDPA. Sweet fire arm. For 650 I walked out with it and 2 30 round glock mags. For another 75 bucks got a compition trigger and a muzzle break. My reloads for compition make it recoil like a 22 and almost sounds like it has a suppressor installed. One of the beast cheap firearms I have ever purchased. +P self defense rounds go thru it pretty darn softly too

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ill have to do some research on the changes in Canada… I know the US has the 2nd amendment… there has been talking of trying to take fire arms away but that wont go over very well with just the general topic of taking that away.

22-250 is a solid firearm… not sure what I’m going to go with there just a ton out there… thinking of just doing another upper receiver for my AR or … buy it complete not sure yet… ill figure it out one day I’m waiting on my money tree in the back yard to start shedding those 100$$$… Love that he calls it your just so he can buy more but in the name of science lolol hahah see how much he can get away with… id do the same thing though sooooo cant blame him for trying…

was that your 1st time very target shooting or just with the hubby?? either way glad you got out and did it… that’s awesome!!!

dont worry only slightly jealous over here lolol sounds like a solid build

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Tandemkross is the company I got the parts from. Top of the line? No, but for the money exceptional

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Birds won 7-1 but any day in the country beats ….well most anything

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Beautiful fish :star_struck: I love fresh caught fish while camping :yum:

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I was big into all sorts of hunting. Found fishing was the only one i could do and drink. Starting to get interested in it again. But along with a lot of things in the past 10 years it has changed. No where private to hunt anymore. Unless you have the money or know someone who dont hunt and also appreciate hunting. Waiting until the end of this deer season. Then i plan on checking some private land spots in my area. Im grateful for my sobriety has made me more open and honest which can go a long way ,or it used to, with local farmers and land owners.

Also might try some rabbit hunting. There are plenty where i work. Which is a greenhouse so technically pest control right? Haha. Still getting a license. Have state land that everyone squirrel and rabbit hunt in my area.

The thing with the state land. Ive hunted it sense i was 14. I know it like its my back 40. But everyone and there brother hunts it. Literally dont know how its not in the news every fire arm season for an accidental shooting. Tree stands with in 50 yards of each other. So im trying to avoid that.

How is everyone’s deer season? Ive missed a doe on state land back in November. Havent been out sense. Got a little discouraged after i seen all the stands. And had a guy pushing deer. Or thats what it looked and sounded like to me the day after i missed. And had the 2 does from the day before run right by me before i could get a good shot. I feel they would have walk there normal trail if it wasnt for him.

Entering Day 8!