"Sober" people smoking weed?

This topic bugs me and always has. I know lots of people who can’t smoke but just as many who smoke weed without drinking or doing drugs of choice. I feel like it’s okay to smoke sometimes even though I know damn well I can’t because of people who smoke weed and say just smoke weed but don’t do any more! I hate hearing it and I wanna hear opinions on the topic do you guys think it’s okay and or if you smoke yourself how do you do It? I’ve tried just smoking and maybe not immediately but I always find myself wanting a stronger high it’s just never enough for me I want my eyes to roll to the back of my head and everything goes white and silent for a while type of rush. I smoked weed like it was crack as well though, I spent no less then 60$ a day on weed. I couldn’t function without my 3 or 4 blunts a day which I wouldn’t share as I felt I needed that whole blunt to myself. Smoked even more once I basically couldn’t get high because of my tolerance to opiates and benzos but now I’m off topic. What are your thoughts? If you are smoking weed then do you get to carry a sober date honestly? Or if you are working a program especially doesn’t that make you feel bad? I am coming up on 3 months Monday and I know I can’t smoke weed personally but I just don’t know how you do it ?? I will fiend for whatever drugs I’m using as long as I can keep my buzz going. Maybe I’m just too sick myself ? Damn


My personal opinion is that it isn’t the substance that is the issue but the motivation. If you are looking for anything to be intoxicating then you are no longer “sober”. Switching from beer to pot…or from pot to beer…or optiates to whatever…it doesn’t matter. In any case the reason behind the need to use is not being addressed.


Hi there. I don’t comment on things often but this topic is on my mind often as well. I am a binge drinker (90 days sober from alcohol). And I still smoke, spend $60 every two weeks to month. Most will disagree with this, and that’s totally fine everyone has a right to their opinion. To me weed has never really been about getting high- it’s about spiritually ( I spend many nights in my prayer room when I do smoke) and about connecting with my daughter who is two and has severe autism- she senses when I’m super anxious or upset and when I take one or two hits I can see things more from her mindset and she is more comfortable with mommy when she isn’t having panic attacks…used to take Klonopin for and I couldn’t function. I see a therapist every two weeks, meditation classes, and occasionally hit a bowl. However, I’ve never really had a NEED for it. I sometimes go months without it without an issue. I’ve heard people can be addicted to anything and if it causes you so much distress it may not be best for you. I’m the same way with alcohol, one was never enough I constantly felt the need to get more and more drunk and so I know I can never touch that stuff again.
Sorry for rambling. Hope this helps in some way :slight_smile:


Right that’s exactly what I’m thinking is that if I was smoking to get high which I always would then I wouldn’t be sober. Certain people have benefits I suppose especially once you screwed your way out of taking pain pills and such. Appreciate the feedback though I have just been struggling with this as it’s a conflict of interest lol. Have a good one!

Okay see I can understand that as you use it for legitimate reasons where I would simply make up excuses to smoke so I could smoke 24 hours a day and end up not functioning. && I appreciate the rambling don’t even worry about it! I could totally see how you could do that and still call yourself sober for sure. I obviously can’t induldge in the smoking myself but Thank you. I guess I have problems when people talk about weed non stop like it’s their only interest or interesting thing about them which it totally isn’t at all… & I’m happy you are probably calmer to your daughter I’m sure being relaxes is more comfortable for her! Seriously appreciate this feedback and I wish the best for you! Keep on staying clean and anxiety pills like klonopin or Xanax which were also 1 of my drugs of choice actually cause anxiety. They will help it as long as they make you feel high or good and then after that you need them to function and without it you are 100x more anxious. I took classes as well for my anxiety and was meditating for a while I need to do it more I’ve been slacking. Happy to hear it though, best of luck to you! :blush:


I totally understand, I feel the same way when people talk about alcohol like it’s a cure all. My father is like this, the man says something about his whiskey everyday. I’ve had to learn that not being able to drink in moderation doesn’t make me less of a person, the same way you not being able to smoke doesn’t make you less of a man. I don’t see things in black and white because to me the world doesn’t work that way- it’s all shades of gray… you just have to listen to your instincts. Just my opinion, but I wish you well. Lots of love and light your way dear!


Yes…of course. It is never black and white. There are plenty of medical reasons for using cannabis (and as @KayPolly mentions, I could see legitimate reasons for spirituality too). That is why I said it depends on the motivation.

For myself, if I did find I needed medical marijuana I don’t think I would be smoking though. I’d probably do an edible. Plus, I understand that most medical use does not give the same “high” as the street version. Something to do with how much or what kind of THC??? (can you tell I’m quite ignorant on the whole cannabis thing?)


This is such an interesting topic to me. I think analyzing your motivation is key and obviously when you begin to not function or obsess over pot (like a lot of potheads whose whole world revolves around weed) it becomes an addiction.

Medical marijuana is different because here’s no THC (which causes the high) and uses only the cannibods for pain management or whatever. This goes for depression/anxiety too I think, although I think there needs to be a combination of both medical use with therapy, prayer, etc. and not just a reliance on marijuana only to solve depression and anxiety.

Ultimately, I myself find it hard to say you’re sober while using any substance on a daily basis, especially because you’re not addressing the underlying root of addiction and why you need to use the substance.

For me, my drug of choice was always pot but that led to pills. As soon as I start smoking again thinking I can be a moderate pot smoker - I feel the cravings start for my whole world to start revolving around my favorite friend, Mary Jane. So, to me there is no sober without sobriety from pot.


By the way, I’ve heard others say hypnosis helped them stop smoking pot.


So I changed the title of my daily count from ‘(# of days sober)’ to ‘(# of days without alcohol)’. I do smoke weed and I’m ok with that for now, but because I still smoke, I wouldn’t say that I’m sober. At this point in time, my main focus is to stop drinking alcohol and once my body begins to balance out from this change, then I will incorporate more healthy habits into my routine. However, from the sounds of it, the amount you are/or were smoking is costing you a pretty penny and probably not just money wise. I think it’s crucial that you find some healthy distractions to at least help you cut back. Do you have any hobbies that will get you out of the house? Jogging, or maybe some kind of a sport?


Hey so, my thought on this is that I agree with you. I have been thru treatment and rehab and I used to think that I could quit everything else and still weed and be ok. Well I finally figured out that I personally can NOT do this. It works for a little while but before I knew it, every time, a weed buzz was not enough and I wanted to b higher. So this ultimately led me back to full blown active addiction. I do know people who smoke just weed, but these people have never had an addiction to benzos and opiates. So I say I am with you on this, I feel ya buddy!


@tayjaramillo…can you tell me…does legal pot have THC? I’m in Canada and they are going to legalize it with controls and regulations etc so I assume it will be safer than street pot…but is it the same as medical?

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So the info that I have read definitely says that in the United States, medicinal marijuana does not get patients high, they do not get the euphoric feeling as street pot will give ya. CBD is the main chemical that is used for medical purposes, that’s my understanding from what I have read. Hope this helps you!

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Yes, legal pot does have THC. But they note the amount in the shops. You can buy 0% pure CBD (medical grade no THC) or you can low dose THC like 13%… or you can buy higher THC. Then they also have gummies, edibles, etc. that all say how much THC is in it. That’s at least how I’ve seen it in Colorado. Here I think states determine what they allow.

But CBD is what controls pain receptors, appetite. THC is what gives you the high. Then there are further breakdowns of the different strands of THC (sativa, indica, and hybrid) which relates to the type of high you get - body high or head high.


I don’t smoke weed Anymore I just have been tricking myself into thinking it might be okay because other do it and stay off dope you know? Or liquor too. It just is very conflicting and I know I shouldn’t or can’t smoke though no I get completely dependant and can’t enjoy anything without it so. I didn’t mean to offend anybody or disrupt their sobrite time I mean do what works for you! I just feel it wouldn’t be fair for me at least to smoke and say I’m sober, that JUST ME though.


Also I know and have smoked with people who have prescriptions for weed, it’s way better and stronger then pot you buy off the street because they can grow it without any restrictions and such. Medicinal shop would be like a candy store to me and edibles with just CBD might not get you high. Strains with high cbd will still have thc and get you high. I’ve tried different strains and stuff but for me it all pretty much did the same but my goal was to get stoned off my arse so. Again I didn’t mean to offend or disrupt antibodies sobriety which what I said, i just feel it’s a highly highly debatable topic!

Yeah…All pot has both CBD and THC. The higher the CBD the plant produces, the lower the natural THC. I guess when they grow the strands, they breed for whatever levels of THC or CBD they want.

Very debatable and confusing! But at least you’re asking and making the right choices for you!


Oh yeah for sure. I just meant naturally occurring plants have both. But then they breed it for high THC or high CBD depending on what they want.

Based on my understanding, medical marijuana that has super high THC wouldn’t be very helpful because the higher the THC in the plant, the lower the CBD. That’s what the shops told me.

The article says it lacks THC and is high in canniboids.