"Sober" people smoking weed?

I’m sober 20 days. I like to take 15 mg THC at like 5pm. Helps me relax and be more pleasant. Just a half of a chocolate edible. No smoking! Lol. I also heard its good for sleep apnea and sleep in general.

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weed can help with anxiety just as much as it can create it. depends on your lifestyle and goals. i personally dont like it. it fuked my life up at 13 years old. buf that was my own self harming ill add. I speak for me.


@Tinkerbell if it is helping you not drink or use then you shouldn’t worry. It’s when you cross the line and start smoking every hour of every day that I feel it becomes a problem. I had to quit a few months ago because of a job I’m trying to get and honestly I feel even better now lol I was becoming a daily smoker though and someone on here convinced me to try and stop and glad I did. Imo: you gotta find your own path and not care what other people think.


I’ve been thinking a lot about this. Most of my alcoholic life was paired with pot too. I’ve thought about just smoking but I can picture it giving me the same urge to want more - and to pair it with a drink like I used to. I keep coming to the same answer: sobriety is sobriety - and taking life at face value unimpaired. For me it’s all in the same boat of the lure of the euphoria and I know myself after these 15 years that I just can’t moderate. I’ve tried a million times and I’m done. You have to dig down and be honest about just what are you addicted to?

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Thank you. I just smoke 2 or 3 times a week and i never finish a joint. Maybe 4 breaths only. In alcohol i cant stop myself when i begin but i know the place to stop in smoking.

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I have struggled with the question are you truly sober if you smoke weed. I still say I am sober 3 years even though I smoke weed on a regular basis. I smoke for medicinal reasons not to get stoned but to relax and calm down because I am prone to panic attacks and have a very stressful job. I stopped drinking because it was out if hand and it made me hate myself. With weed I don’t get depressed and I thinks important not to abuse it. If you personally can’t handle weed like you can’t get enough and you need to smoke so you get high that’s different. If you smoke because it helps you function as a adult or because of medical needs it shouldn’t matter

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Clean and Sober means exactly that. A mind free of intoxicants. Nothing to Impair Perception .

I smoke weed for insomnia. I quit the drug that was a problem in my life,I’ve never stolen money to get weed,I’ve never lied to anyone to get weed,never broke a law (besides buying it when it was illegal) to get weed, it all depends on your goal, I am 56 days sober FROM OXYCODONE, which I have done those things in the past to get it, but on the other hand,I’ve never had withdrawal symptoms from not smoking weed for a day or two,and I was at one time an all day smoker, so I don’t know honestly,this answer is going to vary from one person to the next depending on their view of weed, as well as experience with it, but I know I’m sober from the drug I had a problem with (and I didn’t switch from weed to pills for a stronger high, I started doing pills because I decided to try it, and loved the feeling, stupid me lol)

And i mean if you want to get technical, your not sober if you drink coffee…its an intoxicant that changes your mood, chocolate too, ladies lol

Sober is not drinking, clean is not doing drugs, a person can be sober but not clean/clean but not sober!

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There are people on the forum who have serious problems trying to get off weed. Skunk and Super Skunk can cause hallucinations, paranoia and longer term mental problems. I’ve smoked in the past when I was a kid but always went for the strongest shit, and it made me paranoid. So I went with acid, speed, coke, alcohol and cigarettes. Not a great move.
I personally think coffee and chocolate are really stretching things a bit to defend a narrative.
But that’s just my opinion - wtf do I know!
I do understand the idea of using something less damaging to get off harder stuff though, we’ve just got to do what we have to I suppose.


Whoever told you that weed causes hallucinations was high on some laced weed, I’ve smoked for over 10 years now, and have not once hallucinated, lol I’m not on here for weed use, it’s not a problem in my life, oxycodone is, 56 days clean :slight_smile:

Researchers at Kings College, London - this is Skunk and Super Skunk we’re talking about.
And @KeepGoing - congratulations on the 56 days off Oxy - as I wrote, I understand your logic.


I was wondering the same thing. I have given up everything else except weed. I don’t smoke as much as I used to. I used to smoke 4 to 5 blunts daily and now I smoke one to two times a week. I just need something for my anxiety and it helps me keep in control of doing something stronger. I do feel guilty tho because it makes me feel like I’m still not completely sober. I can’t seem to give it up. It helps keep me stable. Eventually I would like to stop smoking but with me in early recovery I feel like i need something to help me cope and it helps me from relapsing.