Sober Selfies #15 (shirts required, please review rules)

I’m still here. Day 880


I’m was born on North Mossley Hill Road…running off that is Penny Lane. My daughter Kate went to the same schools as John and George. When she left junior school I did them a big portrait of John to hang in the entrance. A couple of years later when Kate popped in to say ‘hi’ one of the teachers told her that Yoko liked the painting (she used to visit and give them money for stuff they needed). So there you go!!


Happy birthday! When I was last in the States you were 3!


Man – how cool is that!!! Thank you so much for sharing that story :slight_smile:
do you happen to have a pic of the picture?

I do somewhere on a disc….I’ll dig it out for you. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Happy birthday young lady, enjoy your day.

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OOH thank you so much!!!

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Happy birthday!!

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I’m glad you’re still with us!

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OMG Joseph – what a undertaking you took on today and after giving blood – What?
So glad that all turned out ok and you are well!!! Get some rest now my friend.


@SinceIAwoke Indeed thank you !


So glad you are ok! @jjcarson92


Thank you!!

I mean you can just tell people you went into the hole to rescue to crying baby or a lost kitten. That story sounds a lot more galant anyway…:wink:


Happy Birthdsy

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Happy Birthday!!!

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Ah there’s a metaphore there - “I decended the steps to the Devil’s palace in order to rescue the cat trapped inside. The cat was afraid but when I finally released it, it bursted through it’s confines and roared like the king of the jungle that it was destined to be. In that moment, the animal inside was awake and I could finally be called brave… then I almost died :joy: (plot twist).” - Jakesphere.


So, here you go! As liked by Yoko…this painting by me is in the reception area of Dovedale Rd Junior School near where we lived, very close to Penny Lane. I even saw Paul McCartney at the top of Penny Lane once. About 1980, in the shadow of the ‘shelter in the middle of the roundabout’ but no firemen came rushing in in the pouring rain! :joy:.

So Yoko visits the school quite frequently, pays for stuff they need and meets some of the children. I don’t think Kate met her when she was there but will have seen her. The local news always report her visits, and that’s when she saw the painting and commented on it. I just did it as a leaving gift for the school as she headed off to senior school (Calderstones - previously Quarry Bank, again where John Lennon went) as Kate was very happy at Dovedale.

Ps- the original is about 4 foot by 3 foot as I recall.


Thank you for digging that out :pray: - its absolutely beautiful and i can see why Yoko was drawn to it and why she admired it so much.
Very nice work Brian - you are talented.!

:rofl::rofl::rofl: thats where my mind went to too…what a cool experience.
I do love how we meet everyday people and sometimes dont realize we are crossing paths with legends.


Can somebody please HELP ME? Aaaaaah humaaaans! :face_holding_back_tears::joy: