Sober Selfies #16 (shirts required, please review rules)

Looking good Anne :blush:
Congratulations on the 72 ODAATs
Great shot with the reflections. It’d been cool to see the same shot when the leaves turn.
Hint hint. Nudge nudge.
Keep up the great work.


Nice to meet you James.
Happy :canada: Thanksgiving

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Day 1 of tracking my sobriety :slight_smile:


Lost hundreds of days of sobriety, had major cervical spine surgery last year, took medication as prescribed but it took a toll mentally on me, nearly 5 days sober again, praying for strength :pray:


Welcome back Chris! Doing great at 5 days! You are stronger than the addiction - we got your back here! Keep trucking forward :muscle:


Yeah to day 1 – Hell of a start! :clap: :muscle:

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Lovely picture Anne and a hell of a view! :heart:

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Thank you @Dazercat and you’re right taking the same shot later again would be a good idea. Well it’s quite a walk though but you’re suggestion will motivate me to do it again :smiling_face:. I love that walk and the views anyway!


Such a creature of habit I am, same spot on the couch same pose but feeling a heaps better than I did a just over a year ago

Hey @Soberbilly I got to add this T shirt to my collection the other day. I thought you might appreciate it. My cousins monika Swizl Jager,
Eddie with Moko Kanohi our distinct tribal facial markings and our east coast area code.


Welcome on board @Solanine. You already made a marvelous first step by posting here. Keep yourself accountable and reach out as often as you feel like it. Everybody is a gift on here. Wishing you well and looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Welcome back @Chris46 sorry to hear about your surgery and the struggles wich came with it. But look at you. 5 days under your belt again. That’s a wonderful new start. And look at the two happy faces on your sofa ,:star_struck: You two make a great winning team, aren’t you?


Oh man, ill do some online digging for good links and message them through to you.

Its about 11pm currently im about to catch some zzz’s but i will tell you about them asap. I hope to one day be wearing a Mataora.

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30 days alcohol free :dancer:t2::dizzy:


day 1 versus day 30 is :exploding_head::exploding_head::star_struck::star_struck:
i was literally brought back from the dead!!!


Looking a ton healthier


YEAH 30 days – looking so great too… I love this journey for you! Keep up the amazing work :muscle:


wow - that a quick drop… bundle up

lovely to see you SB!

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That’s a great healthy glow you got going on now…!


Thank you!! Good to be back on here :blush:


Welcome!! I hope you find this community of some help and motivation to get what you need! How you finding your sobriety so far? X

Just remember, this is an open forum and while there are automated systems in place as well as a team of moderators, sexual preditors have come here and preyed on our members.

I don’t know you or your relationship with other members, so seemingly random flirtatious comments about peoples appearances is very concerning, not only to me, but i would imagine to others, especially victims of sexual abuse and assault.

Let’s keep this a safe place for all by keeping those types of flirtatious comments to yourself.