Sober Selfies #16 (shirts required, please review rules)

I remember when you came in and,boy, look at you go now!


3 yrs looks great! From this Smith to another keep on keeping on! Hugs lil sis


That’s amazing. And you look really good for it too! Inspiring x

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Congratulations on 3 years :clap: :raised_hands:!

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WOOOOO!!! 8 months! Thats amazing. Congrats! Keep up the hard work! You are killing it

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Wow wow wow! Thanks to everyone for the kind words! Your support and encouragement means the world!!


Congrats on the 8 months Laura


30 days clean in 2 days

Its so hard i keep getting the urge i will not give in this time. :tired_face:


Meetings really help with that, and they are free!


108 days sober today, closing in on 4 months!


You are doing great! Keep strong and remember why you are on this path.
For me keeping my mind and hands busy helped skirt the urges. I also spend a lot of time reading here.

Can’t wait to celebrate your 1 month milestone with you.

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Sobriety is looking great in you! Keep stacking on the days


Thanks jasmine much love, im fighting i seem to have alot of time on my hands this last week and its not doing me any favours im lacking abit of motivation to get out and get busy.

Reading on here does seem to settle my brain a little i will check in again in a couple more days :slight_smile:

One day sometimes one minute at a time. Doing great. :+1:

Thank you! :heart:

idle time can make things difficult. if you don’t fee like going out to do things, cleaning, puzzles, workouts, reading, games etc can be things to help keep your mind off of the urges.

Remember you are not alone - we are all going through this journey together. :people_hugging:

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Thats the hardest part feeling like your not on your own, when youre in your own 24 hours a day is crazy hard battling my own mind is a hard battle. Stopping the over thinking Having no one to speak to no friends i can trust its the hardest thing in the world Right now.

Thats my biggest battle being alone. It eats away at my soul. Its 2am and my brains in over drive.

Hopefully the gym tomorrow will help for a few hours

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Have you considered joining a meeting or recovery group? They do have online meetings in case you do not want to do in person ones. Throwing this out there as they can be helpful and will offer you a connection with people going through similar struggles.

Possibly checking in daily or multiple times a day on your own thread or on the check in thread here can also offer you conversations throughout the day.

I do hope you are able to get to sleep soon and do hope the gym session does wonders for you tomorrow.

Going to the gym…


hi friends :raising_hand_woman:t2: