Sober Selfies #17 (shirts required, please review rules)

Looking great girl. Keep up the good work and have a wonderful weekend

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Same to you, I hope you have the best weekend :black_heart:

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Lovely to see you William – doing awesome with your sober time – nice t-shirt :wink:

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Oh that is a bad ass look - Love it Julia! A mom and a rockstar!! you are absolutely crushing it girl. So happy for your sobriety and all that life has in store for you :hugs:


Now I wanna learn how to play guitar… TS and all of its hobbies is not going to be good for my wallet. You look so badass :black_heart:


@Clenton85 That’s awesome :+1::sunglasses:. Where ya off too? One of the kids is off to Cabo. Wish I was going

Psychiatric hospital free for 100 days!!! :100::100::100:


thank you for the replies everyone i really appreciate it! @Soberbilly well since you asked :joy: i posted it on my instagram a couple hours ago, my IG is @juliaroulette :muscle:t4::notes:


Don’t mind me I just rannn :running_woman:my ass over to IG and holy hell you are incredible !!!

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Got the beast together. Girls shaved my head, and just having a good time till there mom comes. Love this bike, full suspension, hydraulic brakes. Came with fenders too. It’s got a horn so when I ride by the cuties I can honk it and say hey girl hey. Jk id never do that.


145 days w/o alcohol so grateful to be free of that crazy mess!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::clap:t4::clap:t4:


You could run over a bear with those tires

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That’s really, really good. Love the bass tone and the bass lines are smooth and clever!

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That is a brilliant idea. Might have to try that :laughing:

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That’s a sweet bike!

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Wow love the new bike!!


Thanks man, and thanks @Butterflymoonwoman. I hope this one holds up, I took pretty good care of the other one and that thing didn’t last long. So far customer service with this company seems amazing, they contacted me as soon as they shipped the bike and then contacted after it was delivered asking if I was happy and if everything went ok. Fingers crossed

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The bear mightn’t leave you much of a choice but to try :grimacing:


Another sober work week in the books! Wishing everyone the best. Peace and Take Care


Loving life and loving all you amazing friends :heart::heart: