Sober Selfies #17 (shirts required, please review rules)

Great to see you checking in Marcio with over a year of sobriety :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:
Looking healthy and happy in sobriety :people_hugging:


So grateful for this!!! Grateful that you are shining in sobriety and living such a healthy fulfilling life :people_hugging:


Stay away from those Gamma rays!


Wearing my whale tee in hopes that I get word about my internship. Anxiety about it has been kicking meā€¦ I was also troubled by a friend landing in the hospital for severe sh as I mentioned in a previous thread. Iā€™m hurting inside and I want so badly to fix everyone and everything around me. I have a history of living in an orphanage before I can remember. For some reason I still have residual feelings of some kind of ā€˜protector or fixerā€™ bc my twin sister was the only single person I had at the orphanage that I could depend on. Apparantly we held hands most of the time and screamed when seperated even if it was just across the room. We had our own cribs but would climb into one anotherā€™s. we only had each other and that made us extremely protective of one another. So now I feel afraid that if I donā€™t protect people in my life, theyā€™ll go away and never come back. I relapsed today and it was only until after that time that I realized why I did it. I was feeling like as good as my life was seemingly going my loved ones were hurting. And I realized there was nothing I could do to fix them. I felt like I was going to lose them.


Thanks Claudia! Ooh I love the idea of using anti dandruff shampooā€¦ going to try immediately. Got a tip to use rubbing alcohol to remove stains from skin ( thanks Jennifer) so have been keeping it handy as my hair is still bleeding :joy:

I am hoping to one day embrace the grey ā€¦I do know that would be so freeing. You definitely rock that look :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Lolā€¦ya got it Williamā€¦donā€™t need to start glowing next :rofl:


Another moving Eric! :blush: How many times did you changed houses the last 10 years? :sweat_smile::face_with_peeking_eye:
But I totally understand, living nearby such a lovely grandchild is woth every effort.
I keep my fingers crossed for the contract :crossed_fingers:


Itā€™s easy to do so where I live. Itā€™s hot to be grey and young people are even dying it grey to get that look :sweat_smile:


But you canā€™t and thatā€™s hard but the truth.
We cannot fix everyone. Try to be responseble for everyone is giving you a very hard time. It effects you mentally and made it easier to relapse. I think you have to guard yourself more then you do right now. Focus on you and your sobriaty. You can only be there for others if you take good care of your own body and mind.
You are responseble for you, other people are responseble for themselves.
I sounds bold, but I do not find other words to say it more softly. I hope you understand what I mean. You where in the hospital just 3 months ago. You are still fulnerable. Give yourself time to heal and become stronger.
Help yourself :people_hugging:


The smile is so fakeā€¦ itā€™s just there for my clients today ā€¦ I wanna go homeeeee :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:ā€¦ Superbowls are past my bedtime


So good to see you @Cjp you look so happy. Enjoy your trip!!!


Iā€™m on a top secret covert operation :shushing_face: Canā€™t let yā€™all find me :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Didnā€™t check in at the selfie thread for a few days and what a surprise it was to see you on stage Julia. You look awesome and you really are a star in more than one way. It warms my heart to see you doing so well and what amazing news there are about your performances and the new job in music as well. Wow. You really rock it.
Thatā€™s what sobriety brings. Be proud of yourself!


day 512 af
Another day, another dollar in the bank
Fresh mountain air and views at work today


That looks fantastic!


Definitely no complaints here


@happyfeet awww thank you so much Anne I truly appreciate your kind words :pray:t3::sparkling_heart:


I wanna work where you work


You also look beautiful and at peace :black_heart:


Well if anyone ever makes it to the south island of New Zealand id be happy to bring anyone out here.

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