Sober Selfies #17 (shirts required, please review rules)

I remember one cold, pitch black morning in my final winter in MA…about 4am, had the dog out, wind and snow whipping around. Shivering my nay-nays off, desperate to go back inside to the blankets. Promised myself in that moment it was my last fucking New England winter…32 of 'em was my threshold.
Why not convince the missus to flee to the southwest with you, lol! No blizzards ever again and the coldest it gets is just at freezing, and that’s only a handful of times per winter. A nice mild 70ºf today, and of course as much sun as you’d like. What are clouds? :joy:
If it’s your thing, we’ve also got the best Mexican food this side of the border - stuff that will utterly shatter your sense of reality :hot_pepper: We are one of only two cities in the US (along with San Antonio) that are designated UNESCO cities of gastronomy.

If it’s any reassurance in the moment, most of my plants go dormant for the winter and several of them are starting to sprout buds and new growth - a true harbinger of springtime, along with baseball coming up. Not much longer to go.

I think the only time I miss the northeast is in the autumn. Said it plenty of times, but there is nothing better than October in Massachusetts. Hoodies, boots, the smell in the crisp air.
We were still hitting the odd 100ºf in October here this year. First summer that has bothered me at all since the move, only because it lingered on for ages!


I’d love too. But I’m locked into this workplace for at least a couple more years. After that I’d go wherever. The wife’s a gamer, she’ll go pretty much anywhere as long as shes within driving distance to a beach. :grin:


About 6 hrs west to San Diego, lol. Far, but some of the best beaches in the country. This coming from someone who doesn’t give a hoot about going to the beach. Great dog beach there in Del Mar, though - that’s what I’m about. Let Chief get his swim on.
Locally…I have no idea. Never looked. Used to see an old neighbor in my last apt building headed out with fishing gear all the time, gotta be a lake around this place somewhere lol.


Hey guys, haven’t been on here much the last week or so, a close friend of my husband’s passed away from a fentanyl Overdose, a young guy in his 20s :pensive: so I’ve just kind of taken a step back so I could process and feel it all but I’m back and I’m one year older! Much love to you all​:raised_hands:t3::heart:


I am so sorry to hear about your loss :broken_heart:
Great to see you back here with us! Happy belated birthday :birthday: :tada:


During the Spa weekend ( first sober spa weekend :blush:) at the mountain


Looking relaxed and happy… enjoy your spa time :heart:

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Will you just jump in the pool already :grin:

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Tomorrow i will jump :rofl:


Good vibes, frappe, sun, hot mineral water , the weather is around 51 F and great music :smile: :blush: Greetings from Dobrinishte, Bulgaria Dobrinishte - Wikipedia


Me too Joe. I’m ready for warmer weather :blush:

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Girl I so envy you! Enjoy your time.
My first impression on yours previous foto was that you are training karate or something :martial_arts_uniform: :sweat_smile:


Thank you dear :blush:


So sorry :black_heart:

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160 days alcohol-free, playing a gig at a biker bar tonight :metal:t4::heart_on_fire:


Your skin and eyes look amazing. :smiling_face:

This smile is genuine however don’t let that fool u… I had a hell of a week and I don’t want a repeat of it for the rest of my life. I’m about to make some HARD decisions that will impact me and my family that will be crucial for my health and wellbeing. I’ll need lots of support to get through this. I want to harm so bad already ik this is going to be really tough. Not sure the outcome but in the long run ik i’ll be better off.


you are such a strong warrior Jules you got this!! i’m proud of you :clap:t4::clap:t4::clap:t4: your message here sounds so familiar to what my week was like and what i’m currently being faced with as well - so know you are not alone, and we’re doing this together!! :dancer:t4::dancer:t4:


161 days alcohol freeeee :tipping_hand_woman:t2::zap: i was so depressed & overwhelmed this past week too but i got thru it and now i’m beyond the fog & even tho i still don’t know what the hell is going on, i know that whatever it is i can handle it :muscle:t4:


Chillin in Toronto, with the support of strangers.
Thank you for being the community we are.