Sober Selfies #17 (shirts required, please review rules)

Hair looks fabs :ok_hand: Have a great meeting and rest of the day.


Headed to my Saturday SMART meetingā€¦happy Saturday all!


Thank you Steve :heart::hugs:


Thank you Jasmine. Love you girl :heart::hugs:

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Lovely to meet you Davina ā€“ have a wonderful time at your meeting!

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Thank you so much Jasmine!!! :people_hugging:

Girl your look is fire :heart:

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So is yours girl :heart::heart:

Good to see ya D :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Great way to spend a Saturday after a self care day.
Keep that stuff up.

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That all looks and sounds heavenly. Itā€™s always a pleasure to see you TF.
You looking Great! :blush:

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If only every single day was a weekend :pray:t2::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Enjoy your Saturday friends :heart_hands:


That show is the :bomb::bomb:

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Itā€™s my favorite ā€¦ well that and The Office of course

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Love :heart: it :hugs:


Hey hun :kissing_heart:

Havnt seen your beautiful posts in so long !

Glad to see your happy face again and as usual looking cute in the pink knit and cute glasses too ! Love the glasses :heart_eyes:

Hows life treating you lately? Still living in the little cute country town?


Hi sweetie.
Thank you, Iā€™m all good. Or maybe even better than usual this time, at least better than Iā€™ve been for long.

Yep, same village,same house (If I ever move Iā€™ll move to a place where theyā€™ve got Palm trees and a lot of sun)

How are you?


Ughhhhh david !!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I am still obsessed with alexis till this day i hear the little bit Alexis song start playing in my monkey mind out of no where and start laughing lol .

Its the absolute best :ok_hand:

My neighbour got dressed as Moirah ( cant spell it lol ) as the crow costume she wore lol you know the one with the white costume and black feathers lol :laughing: my neighbour was SO excited when i guessed her outfit in a spilt second , no one knew who she was dressed as lol. I couldnā€™t believe it, Moirah is an absolute iconic legend haha :rofl:


Nice ! Palm trees are always a good thing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Im good. Nothing crazy to report, i have a fur baby now luca he is the best dog i could of ask for. I love him to bits.

Still living in oz. Works good. Life is calm and quiter. Its great :+1:

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We are officially 3 days into autumn now here in Australia :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Its my favourite season!

And its a beautiful name you have given your little angle too ! I absolutely love the name autumn for a girl.

It still shocks me to my core when I find people have never watched it lolā€¦ and I live in a very small conservative town so itā€™s not a big cup of tea around hereā€¦ but itā€™s my favoriteā€¦ and I still cry like a baby when Patrick plays guitar to Davidā€¦ :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: