Sober Selfies #18 (NO swimwear, shirts required, please review rules)

WOW -1225 days and looking great in sobriety. wishing you the best of luck with the bachelor party. i’m sure you have a lot of tools in your back pocket to help you navigate the event - remember that we are here for you if you should need.


My friend there were points in my life my hair was almost to my waist… I never have issue with peoples hair and whatever makes them happy with it… peace :peace_symbol: :v: man!


Kinda rockin’ that All Things Must Pass-era George Harrison look! Nice.


And, just to clarify, that was meant as a huuuge compliment.

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Day 97 AF
Last night I attended my first ever Stage Show Musical and it was amazing…


My last day at my job. I didn’t know it was my last day. I was happy, I liked what I was doing. I felt like I was finally hitting my stride. And then I got let go via text. I’m still reeling, still recovering. I didn’t enjoy my anniversary vacation to a local historic hotel how I would have wanted to. I just couldn’t let it go. What control do we have in our lives? This theme of having or keeping or maintaining control keeps coming back. It’s not worth it. I’ll be okay. Things will be okay. I got some experience and I feel more prepared now to find a job if I decide to do that. Anyway. I’m sober and that is #1.

And here I am right now. Enjoying this hammock and watching the purple martins coming home to
roost. Three little birds on my shirt and the line “ every little thing’s gonna be alright.” @SinceIAwoke Thanks for always reminding us of this.

and here are my days.


Great photos, but I’m sorry to hear about your job @RosaCanDo . And let go via text? WTF!! That’s pretty low of them. Hold your head high, you’ll find something much better than the HR-via-text place!


I’m sorry you weren’t able to fully enjoy your anniversary getaway. I echo Karen in saying WTF.

How f’d that was of them to let you go over text. So unprofessional. Better things await you. This was a good experience like you said and a chance to show yourself that you still got it! 961 days and counting :muscle:t4:.


Good grief, Rosa, ouch, I am so sorry. It sounds like people you really don’t want to work for. I don’t think that their standards are up to your standards. I’m very sorry, I know that you looked forward to working there.
I’m glad that you haven’t let it take you down, even though it ruined your anniversary night. Maybe y’all can make that up sometime. I’m very sorry. Big hugs.


It’s the big question for me, amiga. The big one. Sometimes it’s hard to admit, I have control about a lot of my life but other people control what I am able to do professionally with my life. Love you a lot!


I think it might be more about acknowledging what I have control over and accepting what I don’t. Love you lots, my friend. I’m grateful for all my friends here. You’ve been around for my whole time here and I love that.


I think what makes me saddest is I see some of myself in her. I’ve been there, avoided the hard stuff, I get it. But I don’t accept this as okay. Even when it was hard I let people go respectfully. This was not respectful. Well. It’s over and now I get to choose how to handle myself. I don’t want to get stuck in the sad.


Their loss. Onward Rosa! You can just take all your badass skills elsewhere and I think your next opportunity will surface soon. I’m sorry for the hurt feelings but you will come back stronger chica. 🩷


If I can lift my arms tomorrow I failed :joy:



Amazing. Congrats!



I got a chill when I read your post. That sick feeling. Callous, cold people. It’s confusing. You do sound strong on maintaining your sobriety . That is very good. It’s like an ice bath of uncertainty you find yourself in, all of the sudden, but sober you have a bunch of backstops that aren’t there when you’re drinking. Special operations resources. Things turn around quickly and go in unexpected, better directions I’ve found. Not easy but better. I hope you’re doing ok and I’ll be thinking of you. Rest a lot! I do also think everything gonna be all right. :heart:


Thank you I appreciate it :blush:

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Great to hear! Congratulations to you, you look very healthy and happy :tada:

Way to go Julia! 90 days and looking fabulous in your sobriety – keep fighting that good fight :muscle:

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