Sober Selfies #4

That’s actually one thing I’m good at. I get anxious, I get confused, I sometimes gets upset or mad. But for the most time I’m happy and Positive, so I’ll keep on to that. Thank you for cheering me up :blush:


You look beautiful. I love your glasses :nerd_face:


Good morning (here), lovely Sophia,
You are still beautiful to me. There is deep beauty in showing up, with courage, to the stuff in our lives - and you have been through so much. A quote I often repeat to myself is “the only way out is through”, and I think you are in the middle of the swamp - but keep going. You might not be able to see the shore - but I picture that it’s there, and there will be sunshine, and this stuff will be further away again, only for real this time - because you will have gone through it sober.
Keep going, lovely - rest when you need to, reach out when you need to, don’t give up.
And there is no pressure here to be a ray of sunshine. Just be you. That will always be enough.
M :orange_heart:
I am cheering you on!

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I found my sober twin! 18 days for me too. No selfie at the moment - just got in from the rain!
M :orange_heart:

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Thank you so much :heart:
I’m sure you are right, I need to do this now and get it out of my head for real. And as you’re saying there’s no other way to go than forward from here. I really appreciate your support and the cheering to keep on. Thank you :cherry_blossom:

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Going to a restaurant with my biological dad


I know you’re right, I just thought it might be easier. And not affect me this much.

I’m kinda getting professional help, I’ve got a childhood friend who works with addicts as a therapist. We studied together a long time ago, and he’s always been around. I choosed to drink and he choosed to make a carrier out of our studies. The past 10 years we’ve been talking every day. It’s the annoying friend I blocked a few days ago because he wouldn’t stop nagging on me about the fact that I have to deal with this for real. Didn’t took me long to realize he was right, so we’re back talking again and he promised to help me out.

I’m not sure I could manage to talk to someone I don’t know.

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Really? Have you ever tried? It’s good to have people who know and love you, to hold you accountable, but the familiarity can also complicate things. An ethical professional maintains a certain emotional detachment, which allows them to see and say things that family and friends cannot, for fear of damaging the relationship.

Sometimes we need the cold, hard truth.


I’ve never tried, because in my opinion I never had anything serious to get help for. I might need it now, but I’m gonna wait a little bit and see.
I don’t think my friend would avoid being honest because he doesn’t want to make me sad. We’re past that long ago, he is the most upfront and annoying person I know.
But you might be right, and I’m keeping that in mind,thank you. :cherry_blossom:

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Your friend sounds like a great accountability partner.

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:wave::smiley: yay!! Woo hoo 18!!

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He is for sure, and also totally annoying.

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Thank you, it does makes me feel ill. And the thing is that I never talked about it before, I didn’t wanted to or needed to. I just wanted to forget about it, and never think of it again. Just move on and be normal. But life doesn’t work that way, and for now I’m neither sad, or angry I just don’t want to feel anything. I don’t want to be this uncomfortable, I don’t want to wake up in pain being scared of something that doesn’t exist anywhere but in my head anymore.

I can definitely say that I feel you too, and I’m sure we can do this.

Sending you strength and love right back :heart:


Doing a sober bike ride of the non Lycra kind selfie.


Well worn yes, old not really. Got it last October in Ouray. This pic is from a couple days later, hiking late near Maroon Bells with my Texan friend Gwin.


You’re absolutely radiant, glowing! Congrats on 18 days :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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You seem to be doing awesome, keep up the good work


Aww thank you so much!

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I joined weight watchers last month… im on a journey and a mission! Lol. Best of luck and positive vibes!! :blush::fist_right::muscle:


That is an awesome goal and you’re not far man! Beautiful scenery there too.

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