Sober Selfies #4

:joy: it’s 2020 I usually never not have my phone. Sad but true.


:blush: gotta keep smiling makes things a little better I guess.


Good way to look at it :slight_smile: plus they are contagious!


Ya they really are. More people really need to just relax and smile. It makes people feel good too.


You are in Ireland right? Wait what time is there?

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Never mind I see almost 2! This day just flew by I didn’t even realize it was almost 9 here. :upside_down_face:


:joy: lips are sealed :zipper_mouth_face: I go to bed late too. It’s another thing I need to get better at.

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:blue_heart: hope she has sweet dreams. You are a good dad helping her to sleep. :sleeping:

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Today is day 196 on the left. Grateful to find joy in the little things all around me that I never noticed before. Life has become much easier without the burden of alcohol and hangovers every single day.


Me and my kids in quarantine, 122 days clean :grinning:


But it’s a dry heat…


Day 72,and Iced Matcha latte in the sun kind of day.
And just after I took the picture I dropped the jar, so it was Matcha latte everywhere. I had to clean up, change my clothes. And couldn’t make a new one because we’re out of milk. When I was all done the sun was covered in clouds and it came a chilly wind. So I guess Monday is the kind of day this is. Happy Monday :cherry_blossom:


Yeah… like being in a damn broiler… so dry… able to get 3rd degree burns in about 90 minutes :rofl::rofl::rofl: there is no medium rare this time of year, everything is well done

@Becsta it protects my beautiful baby face, how could I forsake such a thing :rofl::rofl::rofl: it’s grown so much better since getting sober, doesn’t just fall apart at the ends and grows faster, roughly trim it twice as much as when I was a drunk


I remember that heat. I made President’s club one year for sales, and the event was at a resort in Scottsdale AZ in late June. Nice place but the heat had come early. Was miserable during the day.

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Day 10. As fat as it gets :see_no_evil:. Started having nightmares about my weight.
Off for a swim.


Sounds like a typical Monday

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11180 girl you gave yourself the best gift you could… sobriety, and each day you’ll start to love yourself more and more, and working on things toward loving yourself. You are beautiful, and every morning you wake up make sure you tell yourself that. Be easy on yourself, eat that cake and love yourself.


Thank you for your kind words and ESPECIALLY for the great advice.

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Don’t be so hard on yourself. We are all our own biggest critics, especially those of us in recovery. You are gorgeous :clap::ok_hand:

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Bullshit. You’re not fat. You’re perfect the way you are. All of us are. All of us have imperfections, do you know what kind of imperfections? Perfect imperfections. The imperfections are what make us perfect and beautiful. If everyone would be perfect, perfection would be no more and the world would be boring AF.