Sober Selfies #4

Congrats! Are you wearing a celebratory bathrobe?! :joy::innocent::bouquet:

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Your glasses are spot on, they look perfect on you. Also, good coping mechanism! :sparkles::coffee::muscle:

Definitely not fat. You look quite healthy to me.

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lift weights to get rid of those Monday blues


Beautiful picture :slight_smile: You look so happy :slight_smile:

Back at this again :slight_smile: sober and feeling good!


And if I may say you’re looking marvelous. Welcome back again. Enjoy the sobriety. We are worth the hard work. Just one day at a time.

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Well it continued in the same pattern. 8 y/o had a total breakdown because he has grown out of his old skateboard protection gear during the summer.

I try to cheer him up by promising to make his favorite food for dinner. Swedish meatballs potatoes, brown gravy and lingonberry jam.
Takes the boys to the playground and the store. 10 y/o (who is autistic) gets a total breakdown in the store because they only have camping potatoes. Every change is devastating for him,but we conquer that to. Gets home just to realize that we didn’t bought lingonberry jam, in the small chaos that was in the store we took the wrong jar and ended up with raspberry instead.

Two kids getting two new major breakdowns, we had to take a walk to calm down.

Now we’re back home and are about to have dinner. Swedish meatballs with raspberry jam :joy:


No need to have nightmares hun :slightly_smiling_face::hugs:



Not feeling it today. It’s ok… this happens. Tomorrow is a new day. :pray:t3:


:open_mouth::open_mouth: never seen you without the smile accompaniment! I hope it gets better for you ma’am! You aren’t unappreciated!

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Thank you :pray:t3: It’s amazing how people can totally disrupt your vibe. But it happens. Here’s a smile for ya. :blush:


It is easy to let them if you let them in :slight_smile: I always try to remember that quote about a ship not sinking because of the water around it, it sinks because of the water it lets in!

Get your smile back lady, it goes well with the rest of ya!


Agreed, I may try to check in after work tomorrow too if I can!

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Lookin good! Its looks like a really nice day there! (wherever there is :joy:)

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Northumberland in England :blush:
That place is in a little hidden, mini valley, that up until covid I thought was pretty secret and had claimed it as my own… turns out lots of people know about it :laughing:

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Likewise! Yall were fun to talk with.

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Awesome, looks nice!

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It is :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: