Sober Selfies #4

Have watched a bit of Australian TV series, and a couple of great movies. Back in 1987 I was hooked on the war series ANZACs, featuring Paul Hogan. There’s also a couple of Australian YouTubers I follow.

Here we have very distinct regional/ethnic accents. Boston Irish sound different from Boston Italian, and both sound different from their counterparts in NY or Chicago.

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Loving your hair color! :slight_smile: I’ve done the opposite to mine, it’s typically dark brown/purple and I’m back to blonde right now haha

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That’s way too funny Salty! I saw the necklace and immediately thought of you!

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I love this, in Sweden (and in Swedish) the servo is called Mack or Tap :blush:

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I have a similar one too :rofl: and an anchor mask of course! In addition to shirts too. I’m a walking Maritimer advertisement lol

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I used to be somewhat self-conscious of my Boston accent, until my wife told me that she only notices it when I am angry or excited. In the DC area, I get asked if I’m from NY a lot, which to a native Bostonian are fighting words.


We are a glorified diner. What does healthy mean? :shushing_face::laughing:

Businesses picked up BIG TIME over the weekend. We are only allowed 25% capacity here in Pittsburgh so aaalllllll the takeout. I was cooking by myself up until last week, after we reopened for the 2nd time. We were exposed in both our open locations so we did a voluntary 2 week shutdown the second time.


I’m from the south shore and I think north of Quincy sounds different than me!
Lol @ sounding like a NYer!:smile::+1:

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First time lifting in a couple weeks, been nursing bum shoulder. Feels great to be in here mentally, physically I have a long way to go with the shoulder i think. Slow and steady, I’ll be going out for hernia surgery soon so it’ll get to heal up more then.


Doing much better today. Way less stressed and hopeless.


Thanks, it’s a really old nagging injury I’ve had it for 10 years or so.

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Is that at your home!?
Good luck with the surgery. :heart:

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Yeah i built a home gym over the years in my basement. I was super grateful during the shutdown.


I miss having a basement! I swear I just thought that this morning, up north I had a heavy bag and a speed bag.


Did height course with my best friend today. On the top pic you can see a real genuine smile which is probably the first caught on camera ever


Couldn’t be happier got a new pair of sandals and ice cream. Win win right there! It’s the simple things! Keep smiling :blush: life’s good we are so blessed. :pray:t3:


That is literally my smile. :laughing:

And a peace sign seemed more appropriate. We aren’t at thumbs up yet. Gotta get this restaurant a bit more under control.

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You are looking so peaceful these days. I love seeing the change in you!

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Day 74


The smile is back :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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