Sober Selfies #6 (shirts required please)

From a certain point of view…another way to take all this, the new account thing, as your higherpower telling you it’s time to open a new chapter on your sobriety journey.

You are still here, still participating, and still loved. In 20 years that’s what we will remember about you!


It’s actually something I’ve been thinking about. Deleting all my old pictures, not worry about my old account because it’s not who I am anymore. The reason I liked the old account is because I could read all my post from day one, I’ve been kind of forgetting what it was like from day one. So I was wondering, should I just let that all go and move on with what is now?

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I tend to never look at my old stuff. Moving forward!
I’m sure when Robin returns he’ll fix it.

I know, I wasn’t really bugging about the the fact that I couldn’t get back into my account. I hated that I couldn’t post for up 2 10hours or reply to ppl lol. And a mods response to me, but I’m over it. I’ll move on

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I think we all get to a point where we cross that bridge. I deleted my account. I was over TS. It was actually a good thing. Symbolic mostly, then started new. How we cross that bridge varies, as long as it’s done in a healthy fashion.


Can you search for your stuff and read it?

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I can, and it worked. I actually just went through my phone and deleted all my old pictures of me in addiction as well. I’ve been thinking about doing it for a while. And like @Thirdmonkey said it’s my higher power showing me it’s time to open a new chapter, and quit dwelling on the past. Its not who I am anymore.


One day at a time… hope everyone is well!


Good evening fam! Day 53! I wanted to check in even though I look and feel like crap. Cold meds are kicking in and it’s bedtime for me. I hope everyone is having a fabulous day. You are all just wonderful. Your smiles and strength keep me motivated. I can’t believe I’m so close to 2 whole months! G’night everyone!


This is what tired looks like. It’s all good… I don’t stop. I won’t stop. :muscle:t3: Gotta keep fighting and living out your dreams… one day at a time. :sparkles:


You look like crap? Sorry but I think you have an eye cold or some kind of blindness :crazy_face::pray:


You reminded me of her (Nancy Sinatra) but there’s another picture I was thinking about. I’ll look tomorrow.:kissing_heart:


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’ll take it!! I never look like anyone lol :joy: well except my daughter


I was thinking about it and think there’s a Christina Ricci look in some of your selfies!

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Haven’t heard that one before :thinking: but I can see it. I’ve gotten Linda Cardellini. And when I was little punky Brewster :joy:


You may have lost your account but at least you didn’t lose your progress. :ok_hand: all will be well man.


Lol, love the Punky Brewster. You look spot on!

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Lol :joy: that outfit came in handy for Halloween :jack_o_lantern:

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Day 73
Plaid skirt and black polo, no pink today except for the lipbalm.


@anon74766472 thanks for the laugh this morning!

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