Sober Selfies #6 (shirts required please)

Oh c’mon you’re not a failure. It looks great and look at all you’ve accomplished with your sobriety. I’m sorry you got to do it yourself. I usually wait until thanksgiving to get decorating. I’m going to start next week outside since it will be warm. Wifey doesn’t do any of the decorating. She might help with the tree. A little. I have to fight resentment all the time. She doesn’t want to decorate!! I do. So if I do I guess I can’t be resentful to her. If she doesn’t want to and doesn’t help. It’s work. The resentment thing. Sorry your husband complains. At least wifey compliments me while she’s drinking. I plan on just being in my own decorating world SOBER for the first time too. And enjoy it the best I can.
Your doing great!!


I think it looks beautiful Katie!! Ignore him and hopefully he’ll just go to sleep. lol

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Thank you! Appreciate the compliment AND to know I’m not alone. He’s usually not that opinionated with my Christmas decorating…it’s just been too much today… Constant… I begged him to stop and told him he was giving me a complex… he’s just not in the right frame of mind to hear me… I’m so thankful for you all. I try to stay pretty upbeat on here… but I’m just in a bad place mentally rt now.


Hahaha thank you @Lisa07 ! I was just thinking “I hope he goes to sleep soon”…

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It’s November 14th and you put your Christmas tree??? In my family, we put it on 23rd of December and it’s decorated on the 24th in the morning while watching a ‘Märchen’. Christmas decorations are not put before the first advent.


Hey girl. It’s beautiful and looks great, I’d be so happy if I had a gf to do decorations like that with . Keep killing it:)


Thank you. He’s warming up to it and just told me “you did an excellent job honey. I really like this” and literally just said “it looks good” 3 times still hard to just switch my bad mood after the bullshit I just endured all afternoon. I usually do all of the decorating (which I love) and also wait until Thanksgiving… but with covid and all been decided to put it up a little early. He’s coming around though… and literally just apologized…


With the covid and shit going around. Anything to help spunk your mood up is all you need. Including decorating early :crazy_face:


Awh! Thank you so much. Thankful he changed his tune and we are currently working on a new Christmas project because he is feeling festive now…

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love it. Tell your husband your life feels incomplete :rofl::rofl::rofl:. It’s the kind of thing I say to my Mrs just before getting slapped, me getting slapped not her :face_with_hand_over_mouth:God if I ever touched her I would wake up with parts missing :confused:.



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Problem solved. Little couples project to turn it around. He wasn’t happy with how the tv area didn’t match how pretty everything else was… so here is a before and after solution.


fresh shave, feeling good. Going to go hit up a meeting. Can’t wait for another jog tomorrow 285 days, looking forward to the 300 club. Much love everyone


Day 302 clean and sober
Feeling a little better. Cut my hair and shaved. Decided im going to attend/chair the treatmemt center AA meeting. People with sore backs go to meetings all the time.


It looks great Katie - really it does! :smile:

It’s hard when your spouse is critical. (Especially when drunk or using & we’re like “c’mon really?”) This is the time to dig deep and find your truth inside yourself: you are good enough, your home is good enough, you are a good person and you are enough.

At times like this I find it helpful to picture a peaceful place, mentally. For me it’s a campsite out in the woods by a lake with a canoe. You must have a place like that for you too. Mentally bring yourself there & you will find the peace you need, no matter where you are or what’s happening around you.

Your mind is powerful. Start using some of that power; trust me, you can do it. :innocent:


Ahh just saw this! Haha so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Looks beautiful Katie. Good for you :innocent:


Thank you so much for the kind words and advice. May have to squeeze in an extra meditation tonight… actually… I’m gonna stretch and do some yoga now. :heart::heart:


Been awhile since I posted a pic. During COVID I am systematically going through every room in my 100+ year old house and repairing, staining, spraying polyurethane, and painting. I cleaned and bagged my chandelier before working on the foyer. Floors are last.


Thank you dear :heart:

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Super proud for you! Congrats!