Sober Selfies #6 (shirts required please)

Sounds like a good title for your book.
Out Running Depression. :thinking:

Thatā€™s exactly what I wanted to say :crazy_face:

That mirror is spotless!! :fire:
Sobriety is looking amazing on you !!
Good Job on the run i have to start myself .
I hear you about deppression everything will okay out there kicking deppression in the butt with running !!! Lets get it :muscle:

You look so cute! I can not run to save my life but when gyms closed down here I was so so grateful for the peloton bike. I have been riding it everyday since and it has helped so much with my depression and anxiety. Iā€™m sure the fresh air paired with exercise is so nice. I wish I was a runnerā€¦maybe one day!

Mmmm! One of my favorite fish to eat

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Waiting for some monday night football


Omg that smile adorable!

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Bored to tears and just got the dreaded news. I feel ok but just pissed about it. I took every precaution I could. Be safe and well everyone :black_heart::yellow_heart:


360 days and loving life!!


Sorry to hear :confused:
Unfortunately the deal with this pandemic is that we can do the right things and take precautions ourselves, but we also are forced to depend heavily on others to be equally as responsible and aware ā€“ which of course isnā€™t always the case, sadly. But take pride that YOU are doing/did the right things to protect others and yourself. You did what YOU could, you did your part.

Rest up and feel better soon! Youā€™ll be right as rain in no time :+1:


Thank you! Heā€™s my youngest and my craziest lol

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Thank you :pray:t3: I just pray no one else in the house gets it.


bout to bust out some art skills for yā€™all. Was a great day, went and did some Christmas shopping for the girls.


Thank you so much Kevin :pray:t3:

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Thing about COVID is that we get sucked into thinking itā€™s horrible and inevitable and unbeatable, all that negative stuff. Itā€™s bad, as you can certainly attest, but itā€™s still better than a day drinking or withdrawing AND having COVID. You did get through this and thatā€™s a blessing, so thereā€™s another positive. And I bet youā€™ve been pondering your work situation between naps, so thereā€™s yet another plus - time to think.

Iā€™m definitely a glass half full kind of guy. Oddly enough, one thing that has helped me out is contemplating death on a regular basis. I got an app called WeCroak that gives me quotes that I can use as starting points for this pathway of thought. If I am not afraid of dying, then I can live freely in a way that eluded me before. And I have come to believe deeply that dying is not an ending, just a transformation. And that ā€œeternal lifeā€ you hear so much about? Well, you donā€™t have to be dead to live in it!

Blessings on you Courtney and best wishes for a speedy return to glowing health for you!


That sucks Courtney! Youā€™re doing everything right by protecting your family and I commend you. Youā€™re still looking beautiful though.

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Taking my girls to see the Zoo Lights tonight :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
We are in the car about a block away and they donā€™t know where we are going. Just waiting for our time to get here so we can walk over.


Thank you so much. Iā€™m too a glass half full person.
I usually say Iā€™m not afraid to die I look forward to seeing all that have passed before me. A bit morbid to some maybe I dunno :woman_shrugging:t3:. Thank you for the well wishes. :yellow_heart: and thank you @Lisa07 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: much love to you both. :yellow_heart::heart:


ā€¦and go back to giving and getting hugs again! You deserve 'em. :orange_heart:

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Fucking COVID :grimacing::grimacing:

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