Sober Selfies #6 (shirts required please)

Got my moody ass off the couch and went for a run. Then hit an RD meeting tonight. It helped to lift my spirits. Sometimes I need to act myself into feeling better and not just wait for it to hit.


Move a muscle, change a thought. That’s what they say around here.


Oh my gosh rabid invasion is my FAVORITE cartoon !! Ive been obsessed for yrs. They are the funniest little f%&Ker’s lol :joy: such a good show.

Sunday funday :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Good for you getting outta the house. Sometimes we just need to push ourselves even if we aren’t wanting to. :blush: hope you are feeling better.

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Lol I was an Army field medic,

I had a habit of saying you need to suck it up and drive on with the airborne mission

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A totally unprepared for night shift

Just look in these eyes,
See all the lies
All the things you see
You cannot deny


I like that. I really believe in the idea that mood follows action. I just forget sometimes and need to be reminded.

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Finished up my Christmas shopping. Now off to wrap until I can’t no more! Happy sober Sunday y’all! :gift::christmas_tree::heart:


my pupils are jacked. I honestly kind of feel like I’m coked out. Im sorry just trying to share my experience


Hey mike !
Definitly got the thousand eye stare
In my opinion i would call your doctor and tell him what your feeling have you talked with him yet ? Mayb this will subside after having some time on them :thinking:


I’ll call them tomorrow. I feel like a idiot to keep posting about it.


Was feeling good this day… I have all I need.
Somedays I feel the opposite and emotions suck.
Today is one of those days :sleepy:
Things begin to dim and function is the remedy.
Seems the past always smacks me in the face when I feel at my peak. Dealing with it for now… if it wasn’t for my sons I would of given up by now.


mate you look like your off your face, how do they make you feel.

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Man dude hell no ! Your not an idiot far from it this is the right place where you can post it all everytime you need to i enjoy your posts they always inspire me but these ones have had me worried about you call them tomorow and see what they say sending you strength !


Tense, emotional, heart is beating fast, hands are shaking.


I’m not a doctor but they might be a bit too strong for you, don’t leave it too long before you call your doctor.


No one knows your body better than you. I’d stop the use of it until you talk to your physician about the physical side effects.

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seems kind of normal according to this. I feel a lil more calm now, wrapping girls Christmas presents. I set myself into a panic I think honestly


Mike, when I started lexapro or have increased doses I would lose focus in my eyes. That would cause anxiety. I also felt very tired and had some very strange dreams. The eyes thing subsided withing a week. The dreams still come and go.

Hang in there for the night then call your doctor in the morning. :heart: