Sober Selfies #6 (shirts required please)

Finally getting settled home for the night. It’s been a very long day. I’m not complaining though I’m blessed. :pray:t3: Keep positive keep the peace :v:t3: :heart:


Day 48! Feeling good but have just been off… Why am I feeling less accomplished as the days tick by. to me lately it feels like they aren’t even moving… it’s hard to explain. But I’m just out of sorts and will keep on pushing. I know one thing… I’m not ready for that number to go back to 0… I guess that’s the main thing to focus on. Hope everyone has a good day!


Live in the moment. D96 D45
The meaning of life is just to be alive
It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves


This is a very good pic of ya! :heart_eyes:

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Thanks cliff! Glad to hear you are doing good! :blush:

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I have those ruts every once in a while, it usually happens when I don’t have anything special going on and I’m in the middle of a string of boring or uneventful days. Those are the days that I would have drank the most and then been the most hungover.

So I just remind myself of how great I feel as a baseline now that I’m sober and that I won’t trade that for anything. The important thing to remember is that each sober day is an accomplishment whether it feels like it or not.

@anon27760155 I love that quote. One of the things I’m focusing on in my sobriety is learning that everything doesn’t have to be a crazy adventure and that sometimes it’s ok to just be. Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a good one today, I know it’s been a struggle recently at times.

@jjcarson92 man that is hilarious :joy:


Thank your Nordique… I’m accepting I can’t control what’s next… But I can live in the now x

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Thank you so much. I needed that today!

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This is wild! Just this morning I watched a YouTube that documented how a guy in Spain found out about his wife’s affair, after she was photographed connoodeling with another man in a park, and the moment was captured on Google maps.


Feeling that quote

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Alan Watts! love that man. great pic :heart:

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I hear you Mike. It sucks when something in the world goes wonky or breaks, and we can’t change it. We feel powerless and vulnerable when that happens.

You’re a good person mike and you can find what you need. Probably being honest is gonna help here. Even coming clean w your boss about the fob and saying hey can we get a tech in here to fix it? At my work we use machines a lot and calling techs is just part of the package when somethings off. Can you do that?


That’s a normal feeling at this time. For so long our “reward circuitry” in our brains - dopamine when we anticipate a reward - has been geared toward using. After years and years of that we’ve forgotten that same reward circuitry can work for constructive things too. It takes practice though.

Do you have some interests you can explore as a source of novelty and satisfaction now? Those reward circuits aren’t going anywhere and you need to find replacement behaviours. Martial arts? Performance? Athletics? Etc


Day 232. Been a pretty good week thus far, almost Friday! Enjoy today everyone :slight_smile:


I’ve been meditating and doing some body weight work outs at home every day. Maybe it’s time to amp up the work outs and dig deeper into some other meditations and yoga. Thank you so much for the input. I had no idea what I was feeling was normal in where I’m at in this process.


Love this photo!

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Oh absolutely. The reward system is a basic human function in our brains - it drives us forward in everything from food to relationships to parenting to school to careers - but in addiction for all of us at some point it got hijacked by our addictions and we got all the anticipation feeling (dopamine) every time we were craving that next hit; the catch was instead of anything constructive happening, it was a hollow reward. (Insert shame and relapse.)

When we break the cycle our brain is still looking for a reward path, it’s natural, all brains do, but we’ve conditioned ourselves to the addiction path. We need to gradually build up our feeling of reward from other things.

There are lots of good healthy reward activities:

  • Call a friend. That simple social act feels good and soothes us. We need to connect - and we get dopamine and reward from that.
  • Take a walk.
  • Cook something tasty. No limits here. Go nuts. Make banana bread. That aroma in the kitchen is very rewarding.
  • Meditate.
  • Etc etc - really the only limits are it has to be safe and legal. Other than that, your choices are limitless.

Have fun exploring your sober self! Take it one day at a time and start with light stuff, don’t try to tackle big projects. You’re gonna like getting to know your sober self - she’s interesting, she’s great. :innocent:


Just want to say that every selfie on here is pure gold and a true beuty to what sobriety looks like each of one of you guys look amazing and wonderful all the smiles and glow ! Keep rocking it out there TS Familia :blush:


bye bye old me throwing up the deuce in with the new … i feel like a completely diffrent person thank you GOD


Voila :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: walah means I swear to god, In Arabic :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: