Sober Selfies #6 (shirts required please)

4 hours and 8 minutes.
But who’s counting ?


Those paranormal shows creep me out :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

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I’m waiting for you to join the 1 year club! Amazing work Eric

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Thanks Dan.

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Welcome to our awesome community @Mortimer.
It looks like you’re working on the front lines. Thank you for your service!! :heart:


Colors… That was a classic.

1 Like colors. I still remember the song word for word :joy:

New Zealand is crazy right now. Covid has kept everyone from traveling overseas so beaches are overwhelmed. HNY :sunglasses:

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Welcome @Mortimer
Great place to find support and overal great people to chat with. HNY :+1:


Damn lucky you.
The idea of going to the beach right now is impossible its wet rainy & cold here. Maybe the land of oz isn’t that bad. Need a roommate haha

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Lol. I have had restraint, haven’t had a donut in about 2 weeks.

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Nice job Ka`eo!!



Thank you so much…its been a great year for me minus the covid bs and over here it wasn’t as bad as the mainland…so when are you and your wife going to make the trip back to Hawaii :surfing_man:‍♂


We’d like to go as soon as its safe to do so! Her uncle who lives on Maui, in Kula and so we try to get out there every couple years, its been almost three years, so we’re due.

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What’s funny is that a lot of people who can work from home started moving here cause we have such a low count of covid here…and what better place to be stuck. Hope you and your wife make to Maui cause the last time you was on Oahu cause your wife had work or something?


Doughnut eat the doughnut … Get it ? It sounds like do not eat the doughnut :joy:

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That happened here In Australia, so many people re located up north to the beach state of Queensland because the covid restrictions were non exsistant. And here in Victoria our rules were very strict. But now we have come out of our second wave and we are pretty much free here now, but now the states that people relocated to have had big flare ups of covid and now they are stuck there with rules in place… People just gotta stay where they are and ride out the storm you know :thinking:

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Oz is heaven on earth. The best country in the world to live. Its beautiful here. Our nature and beaches are phenomenol

Sorry NO… I disagree. NZ is unfortunately. Yous have too many sharks lol… plus we have the All Blacks :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: