Sober Selfies #6 (shirts required please)

We had a period where all our beaches were literally closed. When our lock down was at its worst… On our news here , we are not getting much news media on new Zealand and covid numbers etc… We only get updated on the u.s and the u.k/europe. That’s odd because our governments are tight :thinking:

Wallabiesssss :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The only good thing is that when you fly to Hawaii you need a negative test to even get on a plane so that kept our numbers down…don’t get me wrong we still have flare ups but we are not on curfew and lockdown like the mainland. I glad that you got to enjoy the beach today… it looked empty

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Are u on Maui?

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Yes I am… I am originally from Hawai’i island but been on Maui for about 18 years now


Beach is definetly empty now… Big storm brewing Sky’s are black


I believe NZ has recovered fully and back into the swing of things for a while now. We did have a minor scare in November which Auckland was on alert but not lockdown as such. Where I live in the far north of NZ… we are bushman so we are well equipped. Dive, hunt, grow our own produce, fish, orchids etc… nothing really changes for us here and as a community… we put our own barricades up when the big lockdown hit earlier in the year 2020… we stopped foreigners from traveling through our part of NZ as they were still trying to get past the official blockades to site see :roll_eyes:


It’s crazy that you are like 22 hours ahead of me… so you do see the future :rofl:

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I’m gonna have to renew my passport lol.

We have nice beaches, but shit winters. I thought leaving pa I was gonna get away from the cold. Nope still miserable in the DMV

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Love this. Your fully off grid. That takes some strength. Kudos to you for sticking that life style out. I’d love to go off grid and farm my own chickens and have pet goats lol :joy: technically I guess that’s just farm life not of grid lol. Not sure I can give up my long hot showers on a winters morning to go fully off grid :joy:

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You may not have it next round lol… All blacks are producing some nice talent. Goodluck :grinning:

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I do see your future technically , not mine , seeing as I am in the future :joy: I thought that was funny on nye I was in 2021 , and all y’all in the u.s were still stuck in 2020 :joy:

Maui isn’t on the world clock on my phone just Honolulu :thinking:


Lol… we don’t live in huts :rofl: Hot showers and spas exist in the bush and farms lol. But yes we are blessed and privileged to have what we need if the zombie apocalypse begun :grin:


It’s all the same cause Maui isn’t on my world clock also just Honolulu…:rofl: I guess we are not that important…lol

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I had a girlfriend who insisted she could live off the grid. Had an answer to everything except for the idea of lacking technology and such.

Oh I can use free wifi elsewhere. I can sneak into places for showers. I got a ugly response when I said that’s not off the grid, that’s just being a transient


Literally my over imaginative mind has images of you living in wooden cabins or huts of some type… But now that I think about it, you have wifi obviously so u can’t be that off grid remote lol :joy: doh :blush:

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When they use their hairdryer and you on solar panels :rofl: No lights tonight hahaha

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Haha, yeah.

I know I could never live that far off the grid. I became suburbiated never been hunting a day in my life. I wanted to buy a house where I could have some farm animal pets. But that didn’t unfold as planned prior to going to treatment

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