Sober Selfies #6 (shirts required please)

How sweet. Thank you. And are you talking about manipulating or mesmerizing, lol. ???

You poor thing.
But you do look pretty amazing for a person in so much pain. I hope your chiropractor appointment went well. I had one today too. But just maintenance.

We have no rules over here. Your freedom to infect and kill your fellow American is more important than rules.

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Happy New Year everyone!!! First selfie of 2021 with a shirt on lmao!


Hey you’re alive!! Great to see ya. I have to say I was pretty worried about you. I hope you’re out of the woods and can hit the trails.
Happy your still sober.
Great for you.


Awwww thanks Eric! I still have like 3 weeks till I can get the tube out of my back but I’m feeling better everyday. Thank you for caring!!!


Great to hear. Sorry you had to go through so much shit. You’ve certainly had your share.
Great to have you back on the team :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thank you!!!


Yeah now that song is stuck in my head.

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Missed you big bro! Damn, if it weren’t for a closed border and a global pandemic and a few snowstorms, I’d have gone for a little road trip to check up on you! :wink:

Glad you’re feeling better. Looking forward to when you’re back to feeling top shelf. :orange_heart:


Pjs but put a t-shirt on from work as I’m 'working from home’s :joy:


Head high and stand tall love show everyone how beautiful you are and keep smiling x

Ha mate love it bless him you cant imagine how big that fish would be to him, brilliant for him something he’ll never forget x

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Day 128
School in two hours that I really can’t feel any excitement for, and it’s started to snow lightly (or maybe it never stopped)


Hi ravikamor, how was my monday. Well I’m currently awaiting a knee replacement operation but obviously again it will will now be kicked back again. But I’m ok with it because there are far more people who require our NHS attention right now. “GOD BLESS OUR NHS”. I cant begin to imagine what those poor nurses and doctors must be going through. Over worked under paid it makes my piss boil :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. Wow sorry for that a bit of a blow off :hushed:. So basically I’m home bound cant get out much so this new lockdown we are in doesn’t effect me. Hope you have a fantastic tuesday love. And keep smiling love x

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Day 157…
Another lock down…
Im so gonna put all my weight back on!


Hey you!
How you doing??

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You dont have to put your weight back on,

Adjust your diet home exercise and you should be good, however the hardest part is finding things to occupy your time

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Ey up love, I’m sure you’ll be fine. If you can control your demons for certain habits you can nail your food input. I’ve told myself if I can stop drinking I can do anything and I mean that. I never dreamed in a million years that I could stop the drink. Its been part of my life for ever but I have. So for me the food input is a pussy cat :rofl::rofl:. You’ll be fine love, you seem be doing amazing keep up the good work. And keep smiling love x


Awwww I missed you too lil sis!!! Thanks for the love I love you too!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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