Sober Selfies #6 (shirts required please)

Hey Danni!! I’m doing better but got a little ways to go yet. Happy New Year!!!

Looking good brother! :smiley: I wish you all the best for the new year!
Thank you for all the support!


Thank you bro you too!!! I still need to create that Instagram account lol. I’ve been feeling better now so I’ll work on that, have a great day I’ll hit you up when I get it done! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Looking forward to it :smiley:

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Beautiful calm cool morning!!!


What part of PA? I’m from Pittsburgh, love it here. Moved here from California when I was 18 (in 2000) and never looked back. The rest of the state… well… lol


I’m a little late to the party but good to see you @Rockstar24777!! Sorry you still have a few weeks with that thing but I’m glad you’re okay.

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Thank you @Nordiquei appreciate that!!!

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Ooooooo well helloooo lady with the red lipstick.
So pretty!


Nice, good deal you bring a book or something

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No you’re not :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Wow that color really suits you! Looking sleek! My favorite color is red.

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Looking serene! I’d be sitting in the car, too :laughing:

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I like the colors and glasses. Now I mean this in the nighest way. But if harry Potter had a cute sister, I’d picture u lol


:wink::+1:looking good, girl!

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Amen to that sista!!!

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Thank you :blush: I hope it all gets better soon with everything!

Now that’s just a postcard, right there. :+1:

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Loving this post a lot. Congrats @CapriciousCapricorn! :star::tada:

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Congrats Eric on a sober year and to many more! Also what an awesome celebration pic! :laughing::fire::fire::fire: Looking forward to more time and more :cat::cat: with you on here!

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