Sober Selfies #9 (shirts required please)

Day one, looking great. Remember just 24 hours at a time, love yourself and try and stay active.

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Day 11 sober, day 4 hotel quarantine. Just did my breathing exercises and had a 5 minute cold shower, feel amazing


Day 303 it’s been a wave a couple days but I know it’s gonna come down so doing good and getting things done :metal: hope everyone is doing good


303 is amazing dude. Congrats

Just beautiful.
You’re so cool :sunglasses:

Today is a wonderful day to be sober and start your sober journey. Protect this date 06/01/2021. It’s going to be special.
Your worth it.
One little day at a time.


that’s a wonderful way to think about it @Dazercat THANK YOU “protect this date” i love that!! :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Well, it’s yellow, all right! That looks like a fun ride, I hope you enjoy it for a long time!

Haha thanks. I got the shot at the Pharmacy in one of our towns Grocery stores. That’s where they sit you for 15 mins after to see if ya have a reaction from it.

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Barcelonaaa !!! :soccer:


Thank you guys for all the love and suppourt I’m disappointed in my relapses but all I can really do is get back up :unamused: no matter how many times I was finishing my third bottle when I felt like puking but instead I kept pushing it down so I can keep the buzz going for the night I just wanted to feel numb :pensive: and ended up screwing up my Sobriety :face_vomiting:


day 507!! :star_struck::star_struck: you are such an inspiration i’m on Day 1 i can’t wait to be like y’all :joy::muscle:t3::muscle:t3:


Killing it man well done. Just think, if you got a flat 508 days ago you might have handled it differently :+1:

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Oh i can feel your pain, please talk, open up on why you want that feeling of being numb, i know that your tired, i know you are battling with those gremlin addicts. You have not screwed up your sobriety because you know that road of recovery is something you had worked on for a year. You have those tools still for your sobriety the challenge is do you go back to drinking as the way to deal with these things or do you once again pick yourself up and work through using those oh so powerful sobriety tools.



Haha yep, my bumblebee :joy: I actually don’t particularly like yellow but when I saw this car I was smitten :woman_shrugging:


Now that’s a beautiful pic! 11 months much love and respect. Keep keeping on love.
Love the outfit!

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Day 1!! Woop woop welcome love

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Hard to get back up and stay up hey brother?
We are here to help you along the way… not sure what stress got the better of you.
I know lots of DM’s that are always open if you need a chat.
You’re not alone, so don’t let your addict fool you.


First time putting my face here :upside_down_face:

Today was the day I bought my first propriety. It was such a nice feeling opening the door for the first time with my new keys. I also hit 53 days without binge eating or purging. My friend sent me that picture of me earlier and I instantly realised: wow, I am more than my eating disorders. I know I am still early into my recovery, but I feel pretty optimistic about the future! I am really excited about the beginning of the rest of my life!