I’ll be at home working.
I know anti-climactic but I’m sure most people aren’t so…
What’s your game plan for your game plan?
I’ll be at home working.
I know anti-climactic but I’m sure most people aren’t so…
What’s your game plan for your game plan?
My game plan is to probably just stay home, unless I hear about a family member having a super bowl party, I have a good time staying sober at family events.
Unsure though, probably just might stay at home and cook me up something to eat and enjoy the game even though I dont really want to watch it lol
I’ll be at my Sister’s place, she’s sober too. Her husband is having a poker tournament, with his brothers, one who is also sober. My mom and dad will be there too, my mom is sober. I think I’ll be 8n good company!
We’ll be enjoying the game with LOTS OF DEEP FRIED FOODS!!
This one is easy as I am not really into American Football. Much prefer soccer and rugby.
I will be home and may or may not watch. It will be like a usual family sunday.
For me Superbowl Sunday and new years eve are overated events. In past I was Always expecting an invite to something amazing but it seldom has been lol
brownie massacre
Brownie massacre sounds like a win.
Honestly I’m more excited that At 8pm tomorrow night it’ll be 4 weeks completed.
Having the in laws over. Around people who know I dont drink :). Dont care if they decide to. Making wings, cheeseburger chowder, and whatever else my wife is making.
Wedding planning while the man works.
That’s awesome!!
Checking out my rental. Not looking forward to it. But don’t really need to watch the game either way, and I’m staying sober regardless.
Well maybe I’ll watch it lol
As is tradition I’ve I’ve taken tomorrow if work as it won’t finish here until about 4am. I am just deciding what to make to eat and I’m be drinking coke zero and oasis (not mixed lol)
It’s on waaaaaay to late here in UK for me to be bothered to watch it. I must confess even when it’s on over here I have never managed to watch a full game and I love sports Its just to long n drawn out for me my attention span is pants! Much prefer boxing, football, ice hockey and rugby…hope you all that like it enjoy it and have a sober one x
I’ve got chili in the slow-cooker, the laundry is done, woodstove cleaned and ready for the next fire.
My plan for the game is to not watch it. Haven’t watched the superbowl or any nfl game for 4 years. Just lost interest in the sport altogether, so Superbowl Sunday is just a good time to go grocery shopping.
Some one say something about a Superb Owl? How about a few superb owls?
Downton Abbey marathon on PBS! I refuse to watch / support the NFL…despite being born and raised in New England…go Pats! Go Kap!
Eh. I’ll be watching workaholics on Hulu most likely
Easy! Just about to go sober to bed. Greetings from Europe!
Just found where I could watch the game online, turned it on while I cook. Chatting with the lady who watched the Pats beat the Rams with me 17 years ago while we were in labor together.
Congrats to the Pats. Kinda a boring game, but a W is a W.
Saint’s fans blood is probably really boiling now.