Sober with Sibling (tips welcomed!)


My brother and I decided to get sober since the first of this month. He was struggling with alcohol a lot more than usual and I told him that I’d go sober with him so that he wouldn’t have to go solo. My family has a history of alcoholism and I’ve had my times where I was definitely consuming too much for the wrong reasons.

I’m hoping that doing this together will make it easier for us both but I’m open to any tips that people may have on what they do with loved ones when sober? We were thinking of movie/game nights with family. I’m not opening it quite yet to friends, as they all enjoy drinking and I feel as though it’d be too tempting, especially this early on.

Here’s to feeling happier and better! x


Welcome to TS :slightly_smiling_face:. There is plenty of great advice and shared experiences here.

A couple of links above to check out if you’d like. Best wishes!


This sounds fantastic!

My sister quit about a year before I did and she lived about a mile from me. We did a lot of things together early on in my sobriety. We went to gym everyday, went to lunch and had movie nights. It really helped because being alone, I would’ve gone crazy.

I pretty much stayed away from friends for the first year… and then I found out my “friends” were only friends when I was drinking. Typical.

I made some new friends that didn’t drink, that was good.

So, I guess my tip would be to gravitate to those with the same mindset and goals. Do that, and you will set yourself up for success.


Welcome, this is the place to be to beat alcoholism. Stay connected!


@HoofHearted great share👍


Welcome yo TS! Best wishes to you and your brother. :pray:

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Thank you so much for taking the time to post these, I’ll definitely be taking a look at them today! Hope your day is well!

Going to the gym is a great idea! I have noticed that drinking put a few pounds on me :sweat_smile:

Yup, I can already sense that I’ll be seeing some people less often now that I’m attempting to be sober. On the bright side, it’ll weed out those that weren’t ever truly my friends but simply “those that only wanted to party with me.”

I appreciate all of the tips, thank you!

Hope your day goes well! :blush:

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Thank you for the warm welcome! :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much! :blush:

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You’re very welcome