Sober without god. An atheist / agnostic / humanist thread. Please be respectful!

Well said, friend!

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hell yes. congratulations :metal::100:

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I just love this! I feel like it is a way of living life, too, as a journey where you take in information and make decisions based on that, make changes when needed or wanted, and keep your eyes open to the world around you as well as within you.


This relates to our talk of community and it really resonated with me.


I love this so much :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:



Pretty spot on, I can dig it.


That was shared with me today so I’m passin’ it on…

This reminds me of Russell Brands version of the steps


Taking what’s yours and leaving the rest can be taken different ways. For me it means looking at all the possible answers and choosing what is right for me. After trying all and careful consideration of all options available to me. It doesn’t mean to dismiss anything out of hand. I’m willing to try, and have tried, anything. Within reason.

I do have a preference for the scientific method and for scientific proof. As for me science is the closest we can get to truth right now. Then again, without experimenting with new methods and new insights for which there is no scientific proof yet there would be no advancement, not in science and not in my personal state.

Anyway, for me that has resulted in my own personal path of recovery and discovery. It’s a life long path. I learned lots form the the groups that end with A. That I can’t do it alone. That I have to take it one day at a time. That it takes a drunk (or a junk, or whatever) to help another one. To try and pay forward what I received in help myself.

I just couldn’t and can’t do the twelve steps in a truly meaningful way. I can see their value, up to a certain extent. Maybe some day I can and I will. Not sure ATM. But for now I’m working my defects and shortcomings and fuckedupness in psychotherapy, in scientifically tested forms of therapy that suit my personality structure and traumas and other personal problems.

I try to give something back through my work. After just a week or 2 I can say I love working in a detox. I’ll learn there every day, just like I can try and learn something to the folks that are admitted there. I feel I’m at home there. Still looking for some education how to be better at incorporating and transferring my experiences with addiction and mental health to my work.

For me this combination of working on myself and working with and for other addicts is ideal. For now. For me. It can be something totally different for you. In fact I’m sure it will be. Because we are all unique individuals who all have to find our own way. I’m not judging you so please don’t judge me. One love. One world.


I think this is key…you have found action that fits you, and that works.


Feeling a bit “godded out” on the forum at times lately. Some days I can gloss over the god talk, but today it’s having an effect on me. It could be that I’m hormonal and irritable, it could be frustration with Iowa politics and a recent state Supreme Court decision threatening my bodily autonomy, or it could be I need a technology break for the rest of the day. I have control over the latter, so that’s what I’ll do for now!

Any of my other atheist/agnostic amigos ever feel “godded out” while reading around TS?


I absolutely do. Sometimes I have to just put my phone down and center all
Over again.


Yup. Guess that’s what I’ll do, too.

I am kind of up in the air about where I stand in my belief systems. One of the reasons I have been considerably absent from the forum is I get overwhelmed with a lot of hardcore ideologies that center around judgement and making rules for other people and ultimately saying if it’s not my way, it’s the wrong way.

That’s why I skim around but stay mainly to the foodie thread. I don’t have the extra energy. And it’s not just this forum, the “loud crowd” is loud in every group or forum they are a part of.


This is such a good point. Thanks for the reminder and putting words to a feeling I’ve had, amiga.


That is facts about the loud crowd!


@RosaCanDo I tend to stick to a couple of threads. And I mostly learned to live with the “loud crowd” and skim and skip stuff. Sometimes quite a lot of stuff. I want there to be some other stuff too. I’ll work for that. It’s all a matter of balance. In my head, in my heart, on the forum…