Sober without god. An atheist / agnostic / humanist thread. Please be respectful!

Feeling the itch :woman_facepalming:t2:


Blast that motherfucker to kingdom come by reaching out and connecting, like you are here!

Good for you.

Anything specific planting that seed? Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired? Maybe a recent emotional heavy event?


You doing okay? Can we help?


Work has been so stressful and I was just thinking how it would be to just have that “one” but I know it’s not just that.


I’m just very overwhelmed by so many things and feel like I haven’t had time for myself and I’m not sure when that will happen


That does sound frustrating. Can you carve out a half hour for a warm soak in the tub? Or a walk maybe? Or a little journaling.



I get that feeling too, and I’m still learning to keep an awareness of it and to avoid neglecting it to the point I “blow a gasket” and do something unhelpful (like acting out with addiction behaviours).

It’s funny, time for ourself is something we have to learn and practice; attention to ourself is like attention to a garden: a well-tended garden is vibrant, balanced, healthy. A neglected garden is overgrown with weeds and is struggling.

I find mindfulness activities helpful. Five-finger breathing is helpful: I breathe in and out, tracing the outline of my hand (running the index finger if one hand along the edges of the other, up and down along the edge of each finger); I repeat that a few times. Texture/temperature/colour is helpful too (kind of a simple body scan): sit and scan your feet, your butt, your core, and for each area of your body describe the texture you feel, then the temperature (cool/warm), then the colour. This gives visual representation of your core feelings.

Self-awareness is a process. I think as we grow into roles as parents it’s easy to fall into that trap of thinking we always have to be there for others and forget we are there too. There’s lots of other situations where we can forget ourselves too.

Love yourself. Love yourself just as you love others :innocent:

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Is it anything you’d like to share here? You’ve got a good crew of listeners :innocent:

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I got you girl, you know you can do this. I kinda knew that when you go quiet your stressed,

I’m proud of all the progress you made. And then
Progress you will make. We’re all in this together


I sped an hour everyday after work, after my exercises just having a long soak whilst catching up on here.
It gets rid of any stresses that may have built up throughout the day.
It allows me to read and learn on here.
It gives me time to think about planning meals for the week.
Time to think about how im going to maintain being sober and time to reflect on my achievements so far and everone elses here and how bloody brilliant we all are for being here and continuing along one day at a time. :+1::muscle:
Theres loads of help and motivation over on Grumpy A-holes thread.:full_moon_with_face:


Day 37 :black_heart:
I know I went silent again but just putting it out there I think helped


Glad to hear it. Sometimes just getting that connection and validation means so much :innocent:

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Absolutely :black_heart:

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There have been times when a small break has done me some good!

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Yes! And actually I am taking some time from work today and letting myself reflect and find my strength again :black_heart:


I get that! The poor moderator team had to deal wirh my sour additude right before vacation. Time away did me some good.


We have all been there! I’m glad you are back! :relaxed: I know I’ve had some issues with some as well but here we are still

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Did you like the s.m.a.r.t. meeting online? Ive been thinking of “going” to one but wasnt sure how online would be???


Yes I found it very informative. There were 50+ people in attendance. Some remaind anonymous. It really helped me even just listening to others, all in the same boat. They had different people facilitating the meetings on different days. Will definitely be checking in again even if its just to say thanks. It might help others knowing it helped me. :full_moon_with_face::+1: