Sober without god. An atheist / agnostic / humanist thread. Please be respectful!

Post this one here as I like to think of this space as one for freethinkers. Love the Isaac Asimov Quote “any book worth banning is a book worth reading” . And that goes for Mein Kampf too, whch over here is still banned (since 1945), although a scientific annotated version is now available.


I love reading banned books.

I read an annotated version of Mein Kampf for a sociology class. The annotations basically were corrections, or took you to the correct version of history and what actually happened. The book is a horrible read, scary as hell…when you lool how twisted the “history” and 'science" was in it…and people swallowed it as truth.


The scary part for me is that people found inspiration in it. An endless rant of a seriously disgruntled hateful resentful spiteful man, most of it hardly readable. And full of lies of course.


The first thing what I did, after I found out that “And Tango Makes Three” is banned, was to gift it to my friends’ daughter. :grin:

She really likes it. Even if it is in English.

“The Lorax” was also banned? :rofl:


Banned book list = Amazon wish list for books I’ll read with my kids.

My kids school district is decently progressive but I have a feeling I will be that vocal parent asking about D.E.I. fairly often. I will not be letting my kids grow up learning puritanical culture.

They will be learning about sex in a sex positive manner rather than abstinence based. They will be learning about the true history of the country rather than the Christian version. Gonna be teaching them all about gender equality rather than the patriarchal society in which many of us were raised. Gonna make sure they know the separation of church and state is not just theoretical.


Alrighty folks! Looks like I might have kicked off a dialogue that could lead us to political commentary.

Please! Lets make sure we dont slowly slide down that road (espcially me, as I had to delete a comment that when I went to proof read…I decided deletion waa better)


Google the reason why if you want a good laugh.


Mine is def veering in that direction so feel free to delete it. I might do it on my own if the direction continues


Naaaa…yours is fine…my response…would have been the tipping point.


5 months sober, attended some NA meetings for the first few months but it really didn’t fit for me. I often use my logic in fighting urges to use. Ex. I want to use but what do I need to do? I need to do x,y, and z. Being under the influence would not help me with this right now. I will be sober for today.


Welcome! Glad you found us here

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This is for the book banning convo not the on topic/off topic back and forth. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


Jeez. You’re right about the reason for banning “The Lorax”. And it is quite alarming, that this happend in the 1980s. :astonished:

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Welcome to TS?



“Als je mijn tranen ziet weet dan dat ze niet van verdriet zijn, maar van geluk en ontroering omdat het leven zo gul voor me was.”

Or in English

When you see my tears, know they come not from sadness, but instead they come from happiness and emotion, because life has been so generous to me"

This was tweeted September 30 by Dutch doctor, professor, writer and humanist Ivan Wolffers. He died by euthanasia October 7, age 74, after battling prostate cancer for 20 years. His opinionated articles and books about medicine and other stuff one of the reference points of my youth. Always humane, kind, informed, knowledgeable, informing. He’ll be missed dearly.


Thank you for making this a topic. I am a Satanist and have found the community of Sober Faction with TST extremely helpful. They have meets every Tuesday and the topics vary. What I find most useful is the lack of judgement, no mention of religion and the inclusiveness is resounding. What’s also amazing is you don’t have to be a Satanist to join the discussion, an open mind and a want to be sober are the only suggestions. :green_heart::green_heart:


I believe Derek @Englishd is a member too? He has also spoken positively about his experience there.

Glad it’s working for you!


Welcome to TS and congrats on your sobriety and finding your sober tribe.


Never been. But I fully support it and imagine it’s awesome