Sober without god. An atheist / agnostic / humanist thread. Please be respectful!

I don’t have anything against those who do believe in god nor do I have anything against those who use god to help with their sobriety. We all deserve a sober and a happy life. The whole topic and ideal of Him is just not for me and I’ve always believed that we are responsible for our actions and our own sobriety. I love my meetings and the people I’ve met so much but being constantly told to pray and the preaching about a high power even when I brought up how I didn’t like it just doesn’t sit well with me. Am I wrong or doing something wrong?


Welcome :smiling_face: you found the right thread


Thank you, I appreciate the welcome


No, you’re not doing anything wrong. You came to the right place. I haven’t been to any meetings because of the religious aspect. Glad to have others to relate to here.


Im not sure if you have looked in to it (and I know it also depends on location) but rhere are specific athiest/agnostic meetings out there! Im not sure if there isnt one around you, maybe there could be one or some online? I understand this challenge, and I know you are not the only one in AA (and some decide its not for them bc of this aspect) with this feeling…hope you can find a specific agnostic/athiest group if you find you are liking AA otherwise I know for some people it was such a safe spot where they didnt have to deal with rhat challenge or barrier. Hope you find something :slight_smile: Youre definitly not alone in that at all. Xo.


It’s a shame because I really like the people I’ve met in these meetings but I feel like an a-hole scoffing and getting uncomfortable with the religion part. I told my sponsor this. He didn’t seem to understand and insisted instead of praying to a ‘god’ to maybe try and pray to a family member but I still don’t feel right about it. Great guy and he’s been an awesome help but I don’t want religion to be the center point of my sobriety. I’m glad that I’m not the only one. Hopefully we can use this thread to keep one another motivated and to confide to one another when needed.


I’ve never heard of them before but I will definitely take a look!

How’s everyone feeling this morning?

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I’m fine thanks, hope you are too Kyle. TBH this thread isn’t too active on a day to day basis but who knows, things can change right.

I’m with you in feeling not at home in a 12 step program. I went to NA for a while - and it was great to find face to face support for me early on - but for me, like you, the whole program is too much steeped in a christian, religious tradition. As a firm unbeliever I can’t bend my head around it. While knowing there are agnostics and atheists in AA and NA and every other A too, and the folks in the programs keep insisting that no, it isn’t religious, it’s spiritual in nature, it just isn’t for me.

Anyway, this thread tries to concern itself with ways that do work for us sceptics and unbelievers. There’s a number of folks who turned to Buddhist recovery instead (not getting into the discussion whether Buddhism is a religion or not :sunglasses:). As mentioned there’s evidence based SMART recovery. There is a group of agnostics and atheists in AA too. And when you google well there’s loads more. For me this place, the Talking Sober forum, has been my main support for the last 4+ years. Worked for me because it it is so broad in scope. And because I used to have a hard time at face to face social interaction. Getting better at that through therapy and continued sobriety.


Good to hear, I am doing well myself, thank you.

I was silly to think I was the only one who thought this way but I tried not to be so judgmental. Everyone around me believed and studied in the same thing and even when I was in rehab I questioned it all, but I always felt like the odd one out. I had no idea other forums and groups existed. I don’t have time to check out any links or look up meetings right now but I definitely will when I get off of work.
I feel the exact way way as you do. Again I don’t have anything against those who do use religion but for me it just isn’t my cup of tea. AA is super popular and I know it does work. But for me it hasn’t done much. Thank you for listening and understanding where I was coming from. I hope I can find some other meetings to attend. I really enjoy this app and face to face meetings make my anxiety skyrocket but I really enjoy them and just being part of it.


All of the meetings near me are inside churches. I can’t even bring myself to step foot inside a church. I won’t do it. The other places that are atheist/ agnostic are further away from me or only online. But it’s nice to know I’m not alone with this. It would be nice to meet people in person though. Glad you guys are here.


I’m a returning member and each time I came back, with all my shame, this group has been my rock. I was one of the few people who was apart of putting this thread together. It was so amazing and I felt so empowered and seen. Like I said I have come and gone more times than I would like but I always knew I could come back to this community of people who see things in the same light as me and feel like I had that support in sobriety. As much as I respect other people’s way of thinking, I have a lot of religious trauma that has definitely been a strong part of who I am today.

What I guess I’m trying to say is you have found the thread for you to feel safe and heard with your views and know we will always be here :black_heart:


That makes absolute sense about not feeling comfoetable stepping in to a church.

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I just saw this and maybe it would benefit you to see if there is someone around you in the rooms who feels the same? If you do, and they seem to have what you want perhaps having a sponsor who understands that aspect of your life and is really so centeal to you it could help? This is just a suggestion. I dont think anyone should have to feel like an odd one out in AA as it defeats the darn purpose! (But i have experienced it as well for other reasons). I know that it would be hard for me, for something so central to me (and thats so loud in the rooms) that if ny sponsors response to this was to pray…its missing the point. Anyway just my thoughts and I by no means have any answers here but something that has really helped me with my sponsors/mentors/life guides are those who share similar fundamental principkes and values. Some people are in our life for a season or reason and its nothing against your current sponsor at all.


I want to come absolutely clean about being on this thread, as I do NOT want to make anyone uncomfortable at all.

I was raised Roman Catholic (hi Irish) and I do still hold a belief in “something”. I think it is more so something like the universe, karma, etc. Though I do pray, and am spiritual. I have lost my daughrer and sister and somehow I feel them, and I am not sure how else I could describe it.

I happened upon this thread while reading about, and I just love so much of the conversation and also respect all viewpoints. I had wanted to comment on something and realize I inserted myself ib a thread that is meant perhaps for a group of people I am not necessarily apart of (yet so many of the things discussed here I do agree with, vibe with and get a lot from). Anyway, if having someone who believes in something on here feels like an intrusion I will quietly read and hold my comments. I dont want to be inserting myself in a place not for me or by commenting and not sharing this operating under a false pretebse of veing agnostic or athiest. I just get it, I loke your thread and found so many paralells to things I do believe, and even commentary on AA that has been super helpful for me. Anyway, have a great day just wanted you to know you have a bit of an intruder here and Ill gladly STFU if necessary. XO.


Exactly! Every meeting that I come across on Meeting Guide is in a church. The AA meeting I went to for the first time last week was in a church. I feel like they’re expecting me to come back again tomorrow night and I really, really don’t want to, but I need a consistent meeting in person. I feel like this is the only hope I have that’s local to me.

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I’m glad that you’re here. Thank you for putting together a group that will bring a lot of us together and closer. Hope you’re doing well and don’t be a stranger at all.

Thank you. I’m also glad that you’re here. What exactly is smart, again? Now that I’m home I would like to look them up and see if there’s any meetings around me.

@Mira_D Nothing intruding at all. I, for one, appreciate any insight and comments that you have to make. We are all in this together.

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Reading now. Thank you for sharing.

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Really good stuff. The beauty of sobriety is that there are so many ways to do it and there’s so much support.

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