Sober without god. An atheist / agnostic / humanist thread. Please be respectful!

I love this. It’s a saying I will add to my list. For me that’s my spiritual feeling. Connection = spirituality.






That is for 2024. And I only want to upset religious people that want to impose their ways upon others.


I love it. All of it, but especially the last one.


Now where do I get a boat :thinking:




That would be absolutely wonderful :blush:

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I’m grateful for the progress I made in the last year, and I’m hoping for more to come in 2024. I know I’m on the right road, even when I don’t know where it leads, even when it’s bent and crooked, when it’s long and winded, when there are potholes and bumps in it, even when I’m not even sure it is only one road I’m on, maybe I’m on different ones at the same time.

Still I know it’s my road(s) to walk on and follow, it’s me and only me that’s responsible for where I am going, there is no higher power that steers me, it is my own responsibility to make my life as good as I can, it is my own responsibility to take care of myself. And a big part of taking care of me is taking care of others, of not doing to them what I would not like to have done to me, and to do my utmost to serve others instead.

I don’t need a holy book or holy man to tell me that as I and all of us know this innately. Most of us forget it though, and there’s no outside system of belief that is going to bring us back to that, unless we ourselves want to live like that. Recovery and Discovery, in my own way and by my own means, has brought me back to this and made me try to do it too. Not by doing it alone btw. As with all we’re in this together.

I am my own master. I have morality and knowledge and even some wisdom that is given to me by my humanity and that I have gained and learned from other human beings, and from all that lives within this world, from this world itself and from this incredible cosmos that we are all part of. Yes we truly are in this together. Everything and all. And there is no need for heaven or hell as we create all that ourselves 100%. Let’s just try to be. And let be. And love and let love.

I am forever grateful to you all. And I love this safe space. Have a great 2024 friends.


And I love your message today. It speaks to my own feelings, too. I am grateful to be my own master and have choices and the responsibility to make my own decisions. It has begun to feel less like a lot of pressure and more like a lot of opportunity.


Love your share Mno.

First listening to Carl in this clip is one of the defining moments of my life…it requires a yearly listen, thanks for the reminder…


This speaks to me. I am deeply as atheist as I am curious. Will look into this theory more.


What theory do you mean, out of curiosity?


The pale blue dot, maybe it’s not a theory? Sagan/ Dawkins, all that stuff has interested me but I’ve never really looked into this side of spirituality/ whatever you call it/ more. I’ve been looking for something really to anchor me and not found much apart from nature. I’m raised Roman Catholic, but that doesn’t serve me and it actually gets in the way for me with AA. I don’t want to offend anyone, so I won’t say more about my thoughts on religion, but I do and will be looking into some spiritual, natural anchor to ground my thoughts.


Ah I see! Well, I would say there isn’t a chance of offending on this thread, that’s why it was created in the first place. Those of us with like minds really have needed a place of our own to share. I’m glad you posted and please feel free to comment as you wish.

I tried finding a spiritual path early on. I tried other groups and methods and ultimately I found this place and put my faith in people and connection. I think there is so much to that. I like thinking about the universe and how we as beings on this planet, not just human ones, are all intertwined. It helps me feel less disconnected.


I come from a non-religious background. Instead my family comes from a socialist/anarchist/communist one, which are belief systems in itself which I have largely rejected because of the many inbred dogmas and the inherent sectarism. I try to find my own way and what comes closest to my world view is Humanism. You might want to check the UK club out here, might be of some interest to you:

This thread is by us and for us. The first post pretty much describes why it is here and what it is here for. While threading carefully trying not to insult any religious folks. Although it baffles me so many are offended by the mere fact this thread even is present. But never mind that. X


Some light reading :wink: