Sober without god. An atheist / agnostic / humanist thread. Please be respectful!

Thanks Menno. I think I might have got this thread confused with another thread and wanted to tread carefully.

My only true belief is one of hard science, the life leapt and crept out of the water to colonise the land kind of thing, then the mystic networks grow from that. I strongly identify with seasons and cycles and science and absolutely adore to learn all that stuff and appreciate the fine tapestry of organic life. Humans are the issue… Without care and balance we are effectively putting our own dogma into a delicate network that is absolutely fine without us. It makes humanity a scary place to negotiate as it all seems a relentless war of words and flesh without harmony and love and peace.

I’m definitely going to read the whole thread.

I need something more to focus my belief in as I’ve felt so disconnected and disheartened by personal/local and general humanity.

Great to have this space here :smile::cat:


I love that @Mno well said my friend :sunglasses::metal:t2:



I also think I align more with humanist, I like learning about religions and was brought up religious but I like learning about alot of things, when I started travelling when I was alot younger I remember back packing around SE Asia and thinking wait hang on, if I was born here there is an incredibly high chance of being X religion, I saw it in so many countries and it completely changed my mind, go humanists



To me it’s an intriguing map. And looking at it it makes it all the more baffling how most people on earth can believe that their religion is the only right one.


Very interesting, I did a quick search, video on the map:

Kids bedtime here but will find the YouTube channel he mentions tomorrow, the sneak peak video is fascinating


Makes my head spin!!




I always think about this & it’s true. I’ve had ppl actually ask me how I know the difference between right & wrong without religion. :woman_facepalming:t2: Omg…



With a little help from my friends that is


One of my favourite artists :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Athiest here! I’m really respectful of others’ choice in religion/spiritualism and I do wish it was reciprocated more often. Especially on recovery pages. I can’t count the amount of articles or blogs I read, completely agreeing with everything it said just to get to the end where it says, “And you can never acheive this without God.” Don’t get me wrong, I’m still able to find value in the sentiment and appreciate the intention. It’s just hard to feel included when I am currently doing this without religion. Granted, that article isn’t for me and there are so many people it can help. It just kinda feels like , “Wow, this is exactly how I feel.” waiting for some advice on where to go next just to get to a religious end. But I guess a quick Google search of “Sobriety for Atheists” could resolve that too, I just don’t define myself by my atheism so it’s hard to keep that in mind. :sweat_smile: Still, hank you for making this thread. I’m sure it’ll help a lot of people feel welcomed.


I absolutely agree with your statements here. It can be frustrating and also alienating. So many people are no longer affiliated with a religion for a number of reasons and some of those reasons are awful. But our recovery shouldn’t be contingent on fitting someone’s mold or model of the “right” way to do it. We have some freedom there and it’s communities like this where we can find like minded individuals. No way is wrong. It’s about finding what fits and getting support in that. I’m glad you posted. I’m grateful for people like my friend Menno for shedding some light on ideas like Humanism and the communities that exist around that too.


Me neither. I try to define myself by and as being human, by being a living being amongst a world full of living beings, and I try to live my life in harmony with all the others beings around me and the world that we live on and are dependent on for everything. Thanks for being here :people_hugging:



Agnostic, lgbtq, cptsd who tried na and felt like i was going to cult meatings. I resignate with the sentiments of the comments on this thread.


Yeah i wouldn’t be surprised if we were the majority but doesn’t feel like it because of the notion of the silent majority


Considering how many replies there are it is kinda hard to navigate thia thread. Wondering if yall would be interested if i made a secular sobriety discord if yall would be interested. Thinking it would be great for the people on this thread to keep things more organized. Idk just a thought. Hopefully asking this doesn’t violate the rules

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