Sometimes I just want to break things

Join us on the Strava lol! I’m out of commission due to a stupidity injury. I’m hoping to get my first hike of the season in Saturday

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Okay, you know what makes me want to break things today. My friggin’ kids. The days was awesome and fun until about 5:30. I went to a fun event at Collin’s School, took Truman out on a Mandate, and mowed the lawn, watered the garden. We had fun. Then at dinnertime they all just became a bunch of hellions. Refused to do chores, obnoxious jokes incessantly repeated, deafness (like to the point where we wonder if Collin has an actual problem), and Truman (has a bed wetting problem at 5 1/2 and wears diapers to bed) wet his diaper on purpose standing in the kitchen.

I swear I’m going to throw them out the window. Except Bennett. He’s precious as gold. :sparkling_heart:

Dude, take a tennis racket to a fluffy couch, chair or pillow. It’s not destructive and yet makes a super satisfying whoosh. If that doesn’t work, sprint a hundred yards a couple times :wink:


@DungeonMaster is already a runner. Dude is clocking some pretty beast mile times on Strava


:rofl::rofl::rofl: makes me sound so elite!

:nauseated_face::face_vomiting: kids are great, don’t get me wrong, but they suck sometimes. I can say that my boys are fairly clean, which is nice. But, they’re destructive. They ripped up the neighbor’s tree today. Stomped in our garden. Flooded a part of our yard. Also, Elliott got into the knifes and sliced his toe open. :triumph:

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Maybe give her an anatomy lesson, followed by a biochem lesson. This is what’s going on downstairs, and this is what will happen if you dont take care of it.

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:joy::joy::joy: Having a severe sickness will teach her!

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Today, mad because I just want to rest but my wife is trying to get me to do something in the house and my oldest is being an obnoxious turd. Going to a bbq soon, so things will be alright, but just wanted to complain before I break things.

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