Soooo Upset

I just want to let this out and thank you for listening/reading if you do. I started seeing a psychiatrist over skype (as i am in the country and there are none within a few q00 kms) re: me quitting alcohol after 9+ years and at the beginning he was good but has sinxce turned hostile towards me and quite frankly me towards him. I have been cashing in his valleum scripts as per his dosage recommendations and taking them according to what he has told me… this started on the 6th of August of which was my first sober day. He skypes me very crankily this morning abusing me of script saving and cashing them all in (as per his statement given to him of which i have no idea how it works or what delay might be from when i cash them in till they show up on the gov funded statement he gets) every day since 22 of August and thinks i have been taking 17.5 5mg tablets a day for the last 17 days. Which is totally incorrect. But apparently the doctor is always right and now he doesnt want to speak to me as i am a “valeum addict” and said good luck getting off it as it is 10x worse getting off valleum than alcohol. I have followed his orders in taking 2 (10mg) at breakfast 2 at lunch and 2 at dinner for the last 4 and a bit weeks… has anyone come off this dosage of 30mg per day that has had adverse wdl symptoms. Please help, i really dont need another monkey on my back and have been very upset since the call 3 hours ago. Once again thanks for listening and any advice. Much love to all (a fearful and emotional) Dan

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Oh Dan, what an awful experience. He sounds like a terrible doctor. Only you can manage how you will react to a withdrawal - no one else can predict that specifically for you. Focus on yourself and what you can control. Sending you positive thoughts and energy xx Stay strong xx


My shrink swore i needed detox when i quit drinking. The only one near me is an hour away.
She said i “needed” to go for at least a week, away from my family.
She also swore up and down within a week of my quiting i would get the shakes, have seizures, and hallucinate…even requested i see my primary for medications.
None of what she swore would happen, happend…
I no longer see that head shrinker…


I recommend checking in at a hospital. Valium withdrawels can kill you. You may not be on a high enough doseage but still consult a doctor

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I detox/rehab in the morning for 1-2 weeks. Going to miss my wife and 4 kidlets. But thanks @Ash


That’s weird!? Robin you mean? I think its great you put do much time into researching apps and articles and stuff I read them all and its nice to have them all in one place

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Oh sorry guess I’m pretty blunt lol I just happen to know he’s the admin. Its ok just keep doing you. Your handling it very maturely

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That’s a little odd… its an open forum for people to share their experiences strength and hope, nobody is pushing anything onto anyone, just sharing what works for them. Any aa goer knows not to push aa onto people who don’t want it, I can see why this has got your back up but don’t let it bother you, just do what you’re doing I say, it works for you, recovery is a gift that needs to be shared :slight_smile:

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We had a bit of a misunderstanding, but it’s all cleared up now. Yes, you are welcome to post about anything you like.

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Im really glad you are going to be under medical supervision. I have done a bit stronger of a detox from the same thing and that is the best thing you can do. 1st day wasn’t so bad but the 2nd I woke up shaking uncontrolably. Unfortunately i’ve done it quite a few times. The shakes went away fairly quick and all that was left was back pain and discomfort. That may be due to my car accident though. Wishing you the best of luck and a quick 2 weeks.

@Robin, why you gotta cause problems!? Lol. I still think you’re awesome!! :slight_smile:

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@Lise Haha it really was not my intention. But thanks!