Sorry its long but PLEASE READ I just want to break down

I do all of the picking and scratching, when I am anxious or nervous. I think this is a normal thing,for people with these types of disorders. We have to learn how to change your mindset to something else at least I have too, it’s not been an easy thing to do. I still find my self digging my scalp…

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same here! I don’t know how to stop feeling any of that when I’m angry so I just wait til I get over it but it’s so frustrating. I’ve been like this since last night.
I literally just want my mom lol I wanna cry to her & have her hug me & let her take me to zaxbys to make me feel better. I need her more than anything right now.
What should I do? seriously?

Today is such a bad day for me & I was hoping Friday would be a good day. but enough of my self-pitty.
I hope you overcome whatever’s triggering it & have success

@maria_benavides, I hope you are having a better day today. It’s been a long week-end, and easy to get caught up in the family poop… I have keep you an your sister in my heart and prayers all weekend :hugs::heart:.

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Much love!! :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:

We are all outcasts in some way I think. When you get the right councilor your gonna feel ok with talking, and saying the truth. I went from the age of 16 to 25 before I found the right psychiatrist and got the right diagnosis. As for your anger, I’ve been good at keeping that shit bottled up and it eat away at you.
So now I’m on medication for that shit to.
You just need to find yourself a stable middle ground and figure out what your gonna do. I went the long and wrong way, don’t recommend that route. So stay strong. And try and talk to people that you know is struggling to, if you need to vent. They always open up at the end. Your not attention seeking, your reaching out for help. That is a big fucking difference! Wish I could help you in a more direct way. But we’re on opposite sides of the globe. As I said, stay strong, and don’t take shit from anyone, especially yourself. :two_hearts: