Sound therapy - share your gongs, singing bowls and higher frequency vibes!

I haven’t done his course no. I haven’t bought the subscription yet. My schedule is full at the moment but once some time frees up I may treat myself.

Also thanks for the suggestion.


Hope this is the right thread to talk about this on. I actually think I found what to search for on YouTube from this thread lol can’t remember… anyway:
I listened to a 30 min 396 Hz frequency sound video. And it was very different. My first time actually trying this. I don’t know if what I was experiencing was actually from the sound or my mind just thinking I was experiencing something. Anyway… I closed my eyes and was laying down. I felt like I had been listening to it for like 30 min… when I opened my eyes it had only been 8 min. I kept listening… all my senses were very heightened, touch and sound especially. It was almost as if the frequency was all i could hear at one point, like i was right in the sound. It wasn’t like an outer body experience or anything but when I’d open my eyes everything was sort of fuzzy and I felt very grounded, like very present and almost sort of peaceful. I closed my eyes again and I fell asleep for 3 hours! Woke up to someone calling my phone. It was such a weird experience. I have no idea if this is normal? Can someone shed some light on this? Or am I making this all up in my head thinking I am experiencing something lol

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Sorry for the late reply! I don’t know about all the frequencies etc or how it works but I have definitely had some really significant responses to IRL sound baths, particularly gongs. Like emotional shifts that have lasted beyond the event. No idea if it’s placebo or something in the frequencies and tbh I don’t really care. Love it!

At home I find this kind of thing good for relaxing, meditating and sleeping :peace_symbol:

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Sharing a couple of short albums I’ve been falling asleep to recently…


This has been so amazing to use :black_heart::black_heart:

Not posted for a while, put this on the mental health thread but thought it could also go here!

Helping me relaaaxxx a bit at the moment.

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