Sponsor? Advice

How do you get a sponser? How do you find its helpful? Completely new to N/A. Never been to a meeting outside of jail. Never considered going but ive never been serious about getting sober now thats changed im trying to be open. I definitely don’t know everything. Very little about soberity.


Just replied on another thread, but usually you go to a meeting and they have people who raise their hand or there’s a list of people who are willing to sponsor. The recommendation is to ask someone “who has what you want”, they have a peace or stability or wisdom that appeals. And they go through that steps with you. Did they talk about the steps in the meetings in jail? They were very helpful for me.


They did not talk about the steps at all.
My TS calendar keeps asking me about my steps as well but i really know very little about the program if im honest. It kinda terrifies me but im trying to get over that. Help sounds fantastic so im trying not to let my anxiety rob me of that


AA myself but the steps are similar. Actually some of the NA literature is more in depth and I used it a couple of times. The steps help you look at your current life, your past, and how to live sober. They ask for you to think about a ‘higher power’. For many that is God, but can be nature, the group of addicts, etc. Mine is the connections between people.


One step at a time and im going to get serious about giving it a try. If there is a tool to help me with something so unfamiliar to me but has so much power over my life to date
Im feeling im robbing myself if i dont try


ZOOM… 24/7 NA meeting.


Here’s another link where you can attend virtual NA meetings. I’m actually on there now listening in on an NA meeting.


I just want to give you some encouragement! That willingness is exactly where you can find true recovery and healing. This is a big step! I’m proud of you love.

Getting a sponsor and working the steps is where everything was able to change in my life.

They have online meetings as well as in person. I’m in AA, but I believe they have the same options in NA. It just depends on what works best for you, but on either platform if you tell them you are looking for a sponsor you will likely end up being given some information to connect with some others who can help you. Ask and you shall receive. :heart:


Hi and welcome! Picking up a hard copy of The Basic Text of NA or the Big Book of AA would be something to consider.
When I began my path, reading about the program and the stories of others made me not feel so alone in this.
Talking and sharing with others in meetings has been huge for me also.

The shit really does work, when we stop trying to bullshit ourselves. Hugs!


Spent about 2 hours listening in on zoom 24/7 trying to learn the feel


Remember in sobriety we are never chasing the destination bc as soon as we don’t pick up we are exactly where we want to be, the trick is learning how to use the tools to enjoy the journey.
One day at a time.

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If we look for the similarities and not the differences we see the struggle is real for all. That’s how I identify I’m exactly where I am supposed to be. In a meeting, staying focused, helping others and living happy and free.

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Your doing great and the willingness to learn is a great quality. I was quite heavily involved with my local NA homegroup for the first couple of years but find myself a lot less involved now, not for any particular reason, it’s a great programme with very good people.
Another thing that has helped endlessly with my recovery and given me a heap of knowledge is this place. There is so much knowledge and good advice in these pages, I used to just sit and read old threads for hours at a time.
Do try to get to some in person meetings in your area as that is where you will find a sponsor that works for you. :pray::pray:


reaching out for support is a brave step on your journey to sobriety. Finding a sponsor in N/A (Narcotics Anonymous) can be incredibly helpful. Finding the right sponsor might take some time, and it’s okay to attend multiple meetings to explore different connections. It’s about finding someone you feel comfortable with and who can guide you on your path to recovery. Best of luck on your journey, and know that seeking support is a significant and positive step forward.