10 days sober ;
I was just curious how you go about getting a sponsor, I have been thinking about getting one, just makes it that much easier to push through but not quite sure how it works?
10 days sober ;
I was just curious how you go about getting a sponsor, I have been thinking about getting one, just makes it that much easier to push through but not quite sure how it works?
10 days congratulations!!! And finding a sponsor is interesting and it is crucial for recovery especially if you want to work the 12 steps. Easiest way to find a sponsor. Hit as many meetings as you can, and just listen. Find someone who you see there slot with a bit of clean time and who you find interesting or inspiring. I chose someone who has little patience and no room to be played around with because I knew that’s what I needed. Someone to put me in my place and tell me what needs to be done. But so glad your on the right trac, that your here typing, and that your looking for a sponsor! Best of luck to you, you got this! also wanted to edit in that it does not have to be in person. My sponsor has been 3000 miles away since the first time I met him and we make it work perfect.
Awesome , that’s great , I have been working myself up to attend a meeting once a week , so this will just encourage me to do so more
Thanks for your advice and information much appreciated
Anytime at all! And be sure you find someone you are comfortable being able to be unbelievably honest with, that’s a pretty important part.
Yes for sure , I will keep my eye out
I have lots of meetings where I live, at least 2/3. Week , so I should be able to find one in no time
Remember man to man woman to woman thats the sponsor code wish you well
Thanks LRay! Important point!
Here’s a great thread @Eke put together for us that maybe helpful to you.