Starting again 🥰

Good morning,
After nearly 3 years sober I fell by the wayside for some months and I am now a week sober . I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this ? But I personally feel it gets harder the longer you are in sobriety because your guard drops and complacency creeps back in. Only speaking for myself but it surreptitiously crept up on me ….anyway just a few thoughts from me :sunflower:

Anna :butterfly:


Hi Anna, good to have you here! The need to stay connected to recovery and do work to keep us firmly rooted on the right side and surrounded by people who know the struggle, yes, it gets discussed here a lot.
I’m glad you found your way here and hope this place will be of such great help and inspiration to you as it has been for me.

You’ve done it before, you can surely do it again!

Advice for the Newcomer and Constant Relapser


Hi Anna,

Exactly the same thing has happened to me after years I slipped on Friday to everyones shock.

Bottom line is I stopped using the tools that kept me sober and I slowly allowed that voice to get louder and more convincing telling me fuck it I could have a few.

What this has taught me is I can never stop working with the tools that gave me sobriety.

Hope you are ok now? I’m just trying to not let myself get depressed over it and put my energy into the future and building back up to feel healthier again. A binge like that after this long has really madee feel shocking tbh