Starting day 1 today

I had about 110 days sober and relapsed and now Ive been relapsing constantly.

Could really use some encouragement. I went from a grateful sober alcoholic to a frustrated relapser.


It is hard getting back on the horse, Luke; you have it in you to do it again.
Say NO! out loud when you think you’re getting weak. Idk why but it helps me to face it like that.


Thing is bud, you’ve been there. You know how hard it is to get any day sober at first.
Now, from my own experience, it takes a bit more effort. So whatever you did last time, you have to put 100% more effort into it.
I can’t remember what you were doing before to help keep you sober. If you were in some sort of program, then you need to go right back to the beginning and start afresh.
I know people who think they can start again from where they left off and after a few times of trying realise the need to start again.
If you weren’t doing a structured program then maybe think about doing one.


Thanks to you both.

Been doing AA. Just feels like such a mountain to climb now. Yesterday I was planning on laying in bed all day to nurse my hangover. Next thing I know im secretly polishing off a 6 pack. Everyone looks at me and wonders what Im just not getting about this whole thing.

Heres to day 1.


Yes it is! Who’s fault is that? Not wanting to be hard Luke, but take control of this.

Step one.
We admitted we were powerless over alcohol and that our lives had become unmanageable.”

As our good friend Mr Mushroom has said it’s just like any journey it starts with the first step.

And as Donna says, just say No.
I had many an argument with myself in the first few weeks/months.


Well said and appreciated!

I don’t enjoy drinking at all. Not sure what make me think I could/would.

I do plan on enjoying my mountain climb!


I really struggle with the physical aspect. It just destroys my body. Shakes starting to pop up. Mental fog. Ugh.

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Its so easy to drink. All it takes is a moment.

You just had to do a little more research. Its still not working. Pick up where you left off before you took that first drink.

Everything is going to be ok. Your a good man. Alcohol is cunning, baffling and powerful.


It really is like quicksand, sucks you back in and then you feel like there is no escape. There is an escape, dig in and bear the withdrawals, and however shitty u feel don’t take the first drink. After the days clock up again u will feel mentally and physically better. U can do it!


Thanks bud. Wish I could find the fast forward button!!


I don’t have words of wisdom (yet!) but I do have all the sympathy in the world because I’m right there with you. I was so happy being sober—had moved beyond the initial agony and was really embracing it and feeling great in every way. Then I relapsed. :frowning: It’s so hard, but I’m back at my first week and finally feeling OK again. So what I mean to say is I hear you! This stinks but you can do it! :muscle:t2:


Thank you! Sorry youre going through that. I just keep telling myself the best is yet to come. Cant wait to feel OK again lol.


It does get better! But getting there, yuck. Still, if you’ve done it before, you KNOW you can again.

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Got an hour or two of sleep. No real bad urges. Bathroom has been a revolving door all day. Do not, and I repeat do not, have plans to take over the world today. Motivation is super low.


Hi, I had about the same days as you and relapsed around the same time as you. I just realised that what I was doing wasn’t even enjoyable, I was drinking for the sake of it. I got up one morning, poured the rest down the sink and reset. Sooo glad I did, feel so much better. I only had a few days off but I felt lousy, both physically and mentally.
If you’ve got anything in the house, get rid of it. You can’t drink it if you haven’t got it. Good luck, you’ll get there :grinning:


Hey man, happy you’re still here. I’m sorry for your relapsing situation. I too Damn know how shit it is and might feel for you now.

You know the drill right… physical symptoms pass and you shall be alright… the thing is… there will always be hard and bad days, sober or not. I am only at 65 days and man the last weekend has been horrible in terms of fatigue/just wanted to drink to erase my head and feelings. Just got bored of this continuous boredom and never being able to find something like alcohol to make it bump a little more or putting a little more fun into this routine. But drinking would only make this feeling get worst after all. Because at least id be only feeling like shit for one day if i fight for it - and I’d make this feeling last longer and deeper and much worst if I drink…

The way I see it these days it’s like everyday is a new chess game. Life got white and plays first, then I’ve got to play my turn within the rules of the game, one step at a time. All I can control is my next move and plan on what I’m going to do after life’s turn. Plan and adapt instead of reacting. If I loose a pawn or a knight, it’s all right, I still got my turn and can step back, defence up or step into offensive action. As long as I stay on the game within the rules, it’s all right. Because even if I loose the game today, and turn down my king for today, I’d know I played on life’s terms and that I still got another game to play tomorrow. But if i choose to react to life’s playing and choose to drink instead of continu to play within life’s terms, I might not have my chance to play again when I wake up the next day. All I can control is on the bord. But if I got out of it, if I choose to forget my head and forget the rules and boundaries I’ve put for myself, it’s an instant lost. I can only play with life sober. Drunk I am not even trying to advance.

Now that you’re back on board, you can play with what you have: experience. Who cares if today you end up going to bed early and didn’t accomplish anything productive - you would have choose to play with life on life’s terms without avoiding it while using.

Choose yourself man you deserve it. Practice and try everyday. Everyday is a new game. Sometime you win sometime you loose, but everyday you stay sober while doing so, you’re gaining experiences and perfectionning your craft, your own life.

Keep us posted.


Haha yup! Got nothing in the house. Only problem is when I wanna drink ill go to any lengths. Helps not having it here though.


Thanks man! Thats such a good way to look at it. I love chess myself as well. I screenshotted this for myself.

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Well…what happened? What can you do different?

That should be turned around to “I’ll go to any lengths to not get any!”
Mindset mate

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