Starting my sobriety journey

I was always the person to say I could stop whenever… then I realized I couldn’t. It’s time to get my life on track tho! 1 day sober!


Welcome, Luis! This community has been such a valuable part of my staying sober. There was a time just 8 months ago when I was unable to string more than two sober days together. Not anymore,thanks to TS! It’s not a magic bullet, there is no such thing, but it is definitely the one tool I began to use that made all the difference.
Have a good read around, there is a lot here. Find the support and the tools you need , and keep going! All the best to you!


Welcome i think when we realise we have a problem and want to do something about it its scary taking that fisrt step, but well done and you will find this forum really helps as you have people from around the world who want to help anytime of day so if struggling reach out it helps so much :grinning: good luck u got this ADAAT :muscle:

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Welcome here Luis,
How recognizable!
If I explain my drinking days developing to others I say “I drank trough the brakes”
Like I damaged them so severe they aren’t working, and they don’t :smiling_face:
This app has helped me a lot to become and stay sober. It’s good to be around people here who understand what addiction is and knows how difficult it is to turn your life around.
But here, with those people and putting in that hard word, I managed it. And so can you!

Take your time to find your way here. Put the time you used to put into your bad habit into reading here. Get to know people, chat a bit maybe, involve.
Here is a thread I recomend to read:What's YOUR plan? It would be a thread I wished for 5 years ago when I started here :hugs:
And here is the place that helped me trough each day: Checking in daily to maintain focus #64 Check it out and feel welcome to join! It’s a very active thread filled with people who help themselves and others in accountabillity and focus on recovery.

Congratulations with your decision to become sober and be a better version of yourself, welcome to this sober tribe.

Ps, if you have any questions feel free to ask!
I know this big forum can be a jungle for newcomers (as wel as for oldies sometimes😉).

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I am excited for you. There is so much to gain. And you’ve found a good place to help along the way. It would be a vast understatement to say I learned a lot and had a lot of support from others here, and I needed that, because it’s really tough sometimes. But one million times worth it. I would encourage you to read whatever threads interest you, you might be surprised at how many experiences, struggles, thoughts you have in common with others.

Your honesty with yourself is a huge first step. Being able to accept the evidence, that you cannot control your drinking, means that you can stop trying to do so. You don’t have to keep putting yourself through the same old bullshit with the same old results. You’re able to let go of that, and accept that there is something better for yourself.

Reach out if you are having a tough time, or just feel like connecting.

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Hey, how are things going today?