Starting over yet again - who is with me?

Hi, I’m three days sober now, after another relapse… Before that 10 days sober and so on for the last 2 Years (2 clinics) I really feel a lot stronger, but also I feel very alone in my journey. Hope to find some motivation/ fellows here.


Welcome. You certainly are not alone, you’ll find lots of people just starting here and lots of us that have been sober for a while. Best wishes to you.


I’m on day one after three relapses in 2022. But this has been the first year I’m serious about recovery. I have 46 days of 59 sober this year. Welcome, jump on board and we are all here for you.


Thank you! I also feel very serious, for the first time I want to be sober for me, not for other people. Good luck to you 2!! Day 1 is shitty


It is, but the joy of walking up fresh tomorrow-even if tired-will be worth it. :heart:


Standing with you. Day 2 for me after large weekend and a lifetime of dipping in and out with the need to escape. My dad’s got alto have surgery to remove a lump and my mum is not stable so it would be oh so easy to lose myself at the moment. I’m an addict. It’s only really occurred to me recently although in truth I’ve probably known for years.
It’s hard not to dwell and dig into the victim mentality as I know I’ve done in the past.
I want to be a better person and improve what I do for myself and others.
I am grateful to have found this place to share honestly, and I’m planning my first meeting this evening.
I guess it’s normal to be nervous, normal to be worried, normal to be rehearsing the phrase ‘hello I’m C and I’m an addict’ over and over on the dog walk.
Wishing everyone out there a good day, or at least a day where we don’t all hate ourselves and turn to self-sabotage and self-loathing.
It’s a beautiful day here in Yorkshire. Love and light. X


Welcome to the forum. Great place for accountability and great people here who are willing to help and support you on your journey. Have a look around, there is so much information around!
I am on day 59 right now I relapsed after 90 days. I thought I didn’t need the support anymore and I slided back into my addiction again.
Take it 1 day at a time and keep coming back to the forum, especially when you are feeling lonely and desperate.
Wish you all the best on your sober journey! :pray: :wink:


You are never alone as long as you are here! I visit TS through out my day and it’s been such a blessing. Just pop in and get the support you need for your journey forward. Welcome!


Welcome! Definitely not alone here :purple_heart:.

There is a daily check-in thread where people support each other
Checking in daily to maintain focus #39


Thank you! I feel that this forum could really help me :pray:and congratulations, you can be really proud of yourself! Keep it up


You are not alone, you have us. So what types of things are you doing to stay sober?


Hi Catrine, we can do this! I also feel that I can give myself 100 reasons to drink (lots of family problems and my relationship hanging on a thread) but that is self-sabotaging… nothing Will get better after a drink. Day 4 for me now and I feel pretty good. This forum helps! Today I am home alone wich is a big trigger for me… so I am going to be really nice to myself: got all my favourite Food in the house, fireplace is working… netflix haha. And NO drinking! What does your day looks like? The first days are hard… XO (btw I am Dutch, so I guess I am in a different time zone than most of the people here)

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Hi! Thanks so much. How many days sober are you now? This is day 4 for me. I try to be nice to myself I guess… walk the dog, cook my favourite Food, take a bath… you?

Hey A. I’ve been doing a list and trying to work through it, not got much time in the day before nursery pick up so trying to be in the moment and stay positive.
Luckily, my house is chaotic due to both myself and my partner being creative types and find it hard to get rid of things.
I think this is a good time to start going through stuff and making some order, it’s good to have a purpose and see the positive outcomes of goals, especially not driven by being high and manic.
I hope you can make it through this day. I like the ‘one day at a time’ thing; seems so much more manageable in some ways. Stay strong. :heart:

Hello! I am on day 2 myself after no more than 3 days sober in the past 2 years. I am already feeling more clarity, and am so thankful for this group! We are not alone :grinning:


Hi Catrine, one day at a time is indeed a good one. Try to organize your house, I really learned in a clinic in Portugal that this Will create an organized Mind as well! You have children? I would love to have children… so I try to keep that in Mind. You have a good day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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1439, 4 years on the 24th.

Some things I did in the beginning…well, I was desperate and realized I had to re-learn how to live with alcohol in my life. So, I did the following:

  1. came here, spent as much time on here as I did drinking
  2. spent 2 hours a day researching anything to do with addiction, alcoholism and recovery
  3. planned every second of my time when I wasnt working. Idle hands are the Devil’s helpers.
  4. changed people, places, and things…if it had anything to do with alcohol, it was out of my life
  5. changed my mindset. Drinking simply wasn’t an option. If I felt like drinking, I came here and talked about it
  6. after 90 days, all that wasn’t going to work, I really was going to drink. I wouldn’t let myself…so, I found a recovery program and joined it.

Well done for starting again. I’m hoping to get there too and keep going. .

Any update @annieslifepart2 ? I hope you are well and enjoying a sober life. Check in if you want to…we are here for you.