Starting with dry January

I’m right there with you! Starting over with Dry January. I work from home most of the time and it’s allowed me easy access to drinking whenever I need to try to mask my anxiety and depression. It’s not as easy as I expected it to be but I’m taking one day at a time. I try to keep mind busy with work, reading and calming shows or music, and funny posts. But all of that anxiety I’ve been trying to keep at bay is really starting to creep up on me. I hope things get better for us! And I hope to keep this going beyond Dry January.


Dry January gang here! I believe moderation may work for some and I hope it does! So don’t forget we can always do another dry month again to really cement our New Life! “There is no magic reset button on the first of the month, your work began yesterday”


We are probably a bit pickled already.

Sorry bad joke.

Does anybody know of a cute pickle song :see_no_evil::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:

“I’m a little pickle, short and stout” :musical_note::notes:

Need some more lines…


‘Here is my stem, l’ve got clout!’:cucumber::rofl:

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I think l need to work on it! :rofl::rofl:

I started Dry January in 2019 and could not believe that I will be able to make it a whole month, not even thinking about longer. Forever seemed just way too long. When January was over i wanted to do February as well, but still far away from “forever”. After around 100 days i really realized that my life has become so much better and that there is no need for it anymore. So I decided to continue. Three years one day at a time.
Good luck on your journey. I promise it will get easier


Haha, so cute…trying to carry on but what on earth rhymes with stout and clout :rofl:

Shout, about, lout,flout! It’s like Word find! Maybe we can ask one of our many talented musos on here to help?:rofl:
Anyone interested in making a song about a pickle?:woman_shrugging::rofl:

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Yes please, come on you clever musicians.

Else we have to settle for this one, with no lyrics at all.



Starting with a Dry January is a positive step


As you said it. Not sure if I have done the quote correctly @Irishman .That should be a meme, I love it.

@Mel_berk The first step is always the hardest. But it is the most positive too.

There are so many apps, articles and online resources to guide you. A search on Facebook will give you a multitude of Private Dry January groups.There are even companies who make the most amazing non alcoholic drinks, with exotic ingredients like Hibiscus or Elderflower, Cranberry etc that would even make drinkers jealous.

Most people know about Dry January so you don’t have to explain yourself in a social situation. True friends will encourage you as most people see the health benefits.

A silly comment from someone probably just means, you have triggered their guilty conscience because not everyone can do it. It takes balls (no pun intended) Just ignore them and you do YOU.

A little bit of interesting information:

Dry January began in 2012 as an imitative by a British charity called Alcohol Change UK to ditch the hangover, reduce the waistline and save some serious money by ditching alcohol for 31 days. Millions of people all over the world, take part in this challenge and it grows more and more every year.

If you need advice or guidance, there are always willing souls here to offer support.

@planchette Hope your Java January is going ok for you.

Have a blessed healthy day / weekend everyone.



Welcome, never worked for me too, not even one sip as after that I was ending up with a blackout and months, sometimes years of daily drinking.

The only think, that worked for me total sobriety and knowledge, where it will lead.

OMG CK! That’s hilarious :joy: l have never seen that before-but how cute is that lil pickle?!

Challenge accepted!

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I feel sometimes if I have to argue with myself and justify drinking then that’s an issue in itself. Better to quit and strengthen yourself inside and out. Also find things that are worth quiting for. Mine was my kids and wife. I do not want to be drunk all time missing out on the best years of me and my families life. To note Anxiety and Depression do lessen and you will be able to handle your everyday life when you start to truly heal. Some things that did help as far as supplements are Vitamin B1 both fat soluble and water soluble. GABA, tryptophan and DLPA.
Should help with balancing back out from the long nights of drinking. I hope you can find the strength to just keep going so you can be your best you in the long run.

You can do it.

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Are you joining us for fabulously dry February?? :slightly_smiling_face:


In December i started thinking “maybe I should try dry January”. I had started trying to “moderate” my drinking in the fall, but once the holidays came that all went down the tube and I was back to drinking every day, sometimes to the point of blacking out and waking up with a horrendous hangover. Once January was here, I was ready to admit that I wasn’t in control, alcohol was. My plans for dry January really changed into quitting for real once I joined TS and read so many stories from people who thought and felt the same way that I do, and found themselves to be so much happier without drinking.


Awesome!! So glad to hear!!


I think dry January is the first step towards your sobriety. You won’t believe it, but it was because of this challenge that I stopped drinking. It was after dry january, can you imagine? Therefore, if you want to stop drinking and get pleasure from a sober lifestyle, try to survive a dry January first. If you succeed, I assure you that it will be much easier for you to limit yourself from alcohol. By the way, I believe that it is impossible to abruptly stop drinking alcohol. Every two weeks, you can afford to drink a glass of wine. I don’t see anything wrong with that. It’s even good for your health.

I think dry January is the first step towards your sobriety.

First off, welcome

For some, abruptly stopping drinking is very harmful and needs medical supervision. I was lucky and stopped and didnt need any.

I would caution on the advice of a drink every 2 weeks. This is a sobriety site, and many of us can never moderate. For me personally, it would eventually unravel my sobriety.