Stressful day, need a drink!

Day 4 and I am having such a stressful day at work, it makes me cry in despair, especially when people say “take it easy” when I am in the middle of this shit storm. I am under immense pressure to get things done, and tomorrow is not looking any better. Only a week ago I would devour several glasses of wiskey or wine by now, and ended up texting my toxic ex. I am so glad I got rid of all the alcohol in my fridge. I am so glad I can post this message sober. I am not sure how this evening ends, but going to the shop is not an option. Not after I told so many people that I have decided to quit drinking. Gosh I can almost taste that wine in my mouth now :cry:


You’re doing all the right things - remember that no matter how bad it gets, it’s not worth it to go back to alcohol.

It is so hard to go through recovery, and whatever you’re going through right now - you’ll get through it. You’ll love yourself more if you stay strong and get through it clean and sober.

Thanks for being so honest about your struggles - it reminds us about what we are all fighting every moment of every day


Congratulations on day 4.
When I’m stressed I need to remind myself to breathe.

I also get my ass over to the gratitude thread and read gratitudes. It works for me.

Lots of other great threads on here to distract you.


Reach out for us before you reach out for booze.

It doesnt feel like it now, but whether or not you drink is a choice. A hard one right now. However, if you choose to stay sober, the shit storm of life is far easier to manage.

Cravings WILL NOT kill you, but alcohol most certainly will.


Thank you for posting this I needed the reminder.


Thank you for the star! Never tried this before but it works!

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I found meetings helped wish you well


Thank you for your support guys! Day 5, I have survived last night and feel much stronger today :clap:


Well I can’t tell you to take it easy bcuz I don’t know what is going thru your mind. What I do know is that it’s enough for it to allow even the thought to take up space in your head. Just know that I’ve only been sober 5 months and I still get the thought cross me at times. But I remind myself that it’s MY choice not to pick up. And I won’t allow my disease to make that choice for me. Be strong. Remember the higher power does miracles