Struggling with drinking spouse

Thank you, Geo!

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I’m going through the same problem right now. I’m trying so hard to stay sober and my husband isn’t taking me seriously. His drinking has now become extremely annoying to me. It’s not an everyday thing, maybe once or twice a week. But he gets SO drunk and everything offends him when he’s drunk so I have to tiptoe around him.

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Living a parallel experience. Part of the strength I need to find is to overcome what seems to be him wanting me to stay his drinking buddy. It has always been our way to be social. I know change is hard for him too. I am trying to be understanding of that. I also feel, as you said, extremely annoyed with him when he has been drinking. I don’t feel respect for the person who I see on alcohol. That is challenging me.


Wow I feel like you’re living my life right now. We were drinking buddy’s too. Everything we did together we got drunk. He still wants to do this and I don’t. He still tries to get me to drink with him too. I’ve stayed strong this time. 30 days tomorrow!!! Try to stay strong too. I know how hard it but you can do it. I try to go to bed now if he starts drinking or I know it will be a fight.


Awesome job on 30 days! Thank you for reaching out. I don’t have friends that relate so this helps a lot. My husband is passed out on the couch. I am so happy that I will feel good and not hung-over in the morning. I really want to stay strong like you have. Right now I am incredibly motivated. I read posts on this app a lot. It really helps to keep me centered. I think I am going to take my dog out for night-night potty and go to bed to read. Feel free to reach out to me if you ever need to chat about this struggle. I will do the same. Goodnight…


My husband still drinks as well. I have company right now, so not able to do a lengthy response; however, there are a few good threads on spouses who drink. I put together a thread with links to other threads…hope you find them informative. :heart:

Does your partner still drink? Some threads you may find helpful


I really, really appreciate this.


Thank you! I don’t even have any friends to talk about it with that understand either. Please reach out to me anytime. I’m happy to help. It really really helps me to talk with someone who understands. Reading has actually helped me a lot too! Let me know if you want some book recommendations! Good night

I’m on day 10 and my husband also still drinks. He drinks almost daily, but he can usually keep it to one or two, but once a week or so he has too much, claims he is “fine” and is annoying and belligerent.

His sobriety has been added to the long list of things I have no control over. I’m focused on me. Hopefully it will wear off and he’ll join me, but if not, his drunk ass can sleep on the couch.


I’m so glad I found this app. I feel so helpless thinking that I’m alone. I’ve been off of drugs for 2 months now but my bf is a heavy drinker, drinks everyday and just out of control. He says he wants to be better too but he continues to drink and so drugs. I love him so much but I feel like it’s not helping me, that our relationship is toxic and not healthy for both of us


I feel lighter after hearing from everyone who shares this concern. We can do this. We are not alone.


HAPPY DAY 30, Kairi!!! Proud of you and am on your tail! :):grin:

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Thank you so much!!! It feels so good to have support. Let me know when you get to thirty so I can congratulate you! :heart:

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A few days ago I came upon a video link posted in a conversation by member ThajokerNL. I wanted to pass the link along… Otherwise type The Roadmap to Recovery video. The youtube video is about 50ish min. long. Watch it when you have time to focus and maybe even take notes. Given what I learned on the video, you may soon start to feel you are moving into a new phase of your journey based on brain chemistry, etc. I think this video is going to be one element that will allow me to be successful. ThajokerNL was kind enough to share it and I thought I will double share it.


It may take me a while to be able to watch it but I will! Thank you!

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Husband was away for a guy’s bow-hunting weekend. Lots of drinking. He came home today and was still drunk on arrival and continued to drink beer. I was alone this weekend and used it to watch a lot of youtube videos by Annie Grace of This Naked Mind and others from Dr. Amy Johnson which I came upon randomly. I have better perspective now about how my journey is my journey and I am being non-judgmental toward my husband because his choices are his. I have to place some separation from him in these situations but I feel strong and in control of me. This was a pretty good test. I know the videos were monumental for my lightbulb moment. I will try to lead quietly by example by being positive and see how things progress. Day 18 and I have no desire to drink. Happy also to have this forum to help me stay focused on my goals.


Well done on 18 days.
Stay strong :grinning:


Good job on your 18 days and getting the personal responsibility. It took me a long while not to be angry at my husband for not ‘supporting’ me enough in my early sobriety and not to blame him for my inability to get sober. But once I released those feelings and really ‘got’ that I alone was responsible for my drinking (why was this a hard concept for me?), it got easier. I need to do this for me and I CAN regardless of where my husband is at. That is HIS journey.

Anyway…well done. :heart:

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Thank you, @SassyRocks. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I unfortunately understand. Perhaps Al Anon may help? Wishing you well and forward healing in this situation